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Father Frank, Ronnie Trapp, Etny Cooper, Billy Bubbles, Father Augustus


Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Senior
Local Trashcan

Absolute pleasure for that RP today at the Church. I had no idea that Father Frank would be there at the church it just happened and it was absolutely fantastic. Ronald thank you for going with that RP, great sport I loved it.

Thank you Billy for going against SOPs for the sake of RP and taking the PIC to church instead of jail for 720.

Etny thank you for trying and keeping up with that RP it was great to see you go with it,

Father Frank you were absolutely brilliant. The speeches and prayers and everything was just fantastic. I am so glad you just happened to be at the church.

Father Augustus same to you.


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Absolute pleasure for that RP today at the Church. I had no idea that Father Frank would be there at the church it just happened and it was absolutely fantastic. Ronald thank you for going with that RP, great sport I loved it.

Thank you Billy for going against SOPs for the sake of RP and taking the PIC to church instead of jail for 720.

Etny thank you for trying and keeping up with that RP it was great to see you go with it,

Father Frank you were absolutely brilliant. The speeches and prayers and everything was just fantastic. I am so glad you just happened to be at the church.

Father Augustus same to you.
+1 Was really fun very different then the normal arrest and imprison father frank amazing job and the 2 PICs was awesome yous went along with it
Cant take any credit, was purely just a witness and said Amen once 😂

Was a pleasure to actually be able to be on the other side and witnessing it & could've never done it as good as Frank could, was some amazing RP to see from everyone involved and probably the best I've seen since i started playing again.

BIg +1 to you lot!
Sargent Watney! One of the best experiences I've had, Thankyou for taking a different route rather than that 1440 cobbles ;)

Father Frank + that soundtrack was so intense, one point I thought I was genuinely In church.

See you around gents 🤝 Keep up the good work