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Fatal Error

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Richest Kavala Hobo
The Netherlands
I keep getting:

Fatal error: Call to a member function primary_navigation() on a non-object in

/home/altislife/public_html/admin/applications_addon/ips/ccs/sources/hooks.php on line 93

It's working again on a PC but its not working on mah phone :(

Please resolve this issue because else I wont make it thru my school day :p

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Phone 1:

Android 4.4.2

Standard browser and Chrome

Phone 2:

Android 5.0.2

Standard browser and chrome

phone 3:

iOS 8.1.x


3 phones... what are you a drug dealer ?

let me disable something...... and try now... any difference ?

3 phones... what are you a drug dealer ?

let me disable something...... and try now... any difference ?
@Wilco - nope still not working :(

Phone 1 is mine

Phone 2 is my mates

Phone 3 is mine

and no I am not a drugdealer :p Just carry 2 phones in-case I need to hand in one to the teacher :p

My hope to get thru school this day is with you, Wilco. Ill be on my phone at 11AM til 3PM because I have a class where we don't have PC's available :p

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Also getting this issue..


Note 4 Stock android .. tried chrome opera and firefox

Also getting this issue on a Nokia Lumia, running the shite version of windows.

Phone 1:


Phone 2:


Phone 3:


Tablet 1:

Tablet 2:


Conclusion: On phones it doesnot work, on tablets and PC's it does.

And no, I am NOT a drug dealer ;)

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Go to Manage Hooks and click "Reimport Application Hooks"


ACP --> Look & Feel --> Template Tools --> Re cache your forums skin and IP.Board Mobile (with all applications ticked)

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Thank you, Wilco!

It's fixed now :)

YOu're helping me thru my schooldays next week ;)

@Reverend or @Edgar Ville this one can be moved to the 'fixed' sub-section ;)

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