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What kind of shitty news is this? Am very surprised to hear this...

Great Police officer, and a respected man on the force. 

Really upset to hear this crap that happened... :|

All the best elsewhere....

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It is very sad to see u go mate, i will miss u and i think the whole server will. You were a very important part of our server

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Decker said:
More omnishambles from the admin team. They don't know what they want! :Cool:

edit: I advise forging the donation receipt, that way you don't have to give any money to these supposed children in need.
I want Fuel unbanned just as much as any, but are you really mocking a charity? What is wrong with you?

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@Wilco hey wilco, is there anychance a donation can be made in fuels name? 

i get paid tomorro, and i like fuel, i think it would be a huge loss if he does leave, and if acceptable i would make a £5 donation in his honour

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Wilco said:
Goodbye - Someone who is not part of the community and never posts who has just come on to cause issues

@adster mc Of course they can, end of the day we have had to do work to perform the resets and discuss this exploiting rather than just issue a perm ban without appeal, If someone wants to donate to a charity in @Just Fuel name then thats fine.

However someone PM'ed me and advised thats not the issue, So we will let Fuel speak for himself what the problem is if he wants to return or not.
ok thanks man, @Just Fuel if you are ok with it i will make the donation in the morning , it would be a shame for you to leave man

I mean i didnt even get to kill fuel... I mean rubber and restrain him yet:( 

I don't know who messaged wilco I already messaged Neo with why I am leaving, I do not want anyone to donate on my behalf, I dug my hole I will get out of it myself when I can

I don't know who messaged wilco I already messaged Neo with why I am leaving, I do not want anyone to donate on my behalf, I dug my hole I will get out of it myself when I can
we all just love ya buddy lol 

I'm quite disappointed in many people after reading a lot of the stuff on here... this is to say our Goodbyes to someone who has been here for a long time and done a lot for the community and Police, not for an argument about why, what and whether something is fair or not.

...so on that note;
@Just Fuel it's been a blast buddy and I hope that you chose to return when you're able to complete your unban terms. I hope that you're back soon as I'm sure your newly made group are missing you, alongside many members of the community.

See you soon, bud. Sad to see you go.


Could you remove all the toxic reports Would love it myself its really dissapointing to see this as its a goodbye post were we should put all the positivity and not the negativity, 

As i said before

@Just Fuel 

I'd love every patrol, every time i played with you and we will all miss you bud,

you've done alot for the Server and the police force its sad that this happened but we will remember you in all the positives ways.

Goodbye Fuel, I barely knew you but I watched every stream of yours, I would've loved to got to know you as you seemed a top guy.

Goodbye, I hope to see a second un-ban appeal soon.

Ah Fuel, where to begin.

I still remember the day we first met in-game, but lets not get into that ;).

We've had our ups and downs, but I've always considered you a mate. 

Take it easy and Good Luck in the future.

- zaF

Have a good one Fuel!  Hope to see you back in not a far a way feature 

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You will be missed mate, no matter what people thought of you , you where always kind to me.

Also to all the people complaining about paying £5 to charity to rejoin. This is a great idea as its  helping people out who really need it. £5 is not a lot but it means a lot. If some people have to pay to join for breaking big rules then who cares , it goes to charity.

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