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We first met when we were doing heroin, you needed help, then i crashed and we both needed help. Didn't speak to you much after but that moment of helplessness is honorable!

Farewell Sov. All I have is this. Wish you all the best


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One of the most creative and dedicated persons i ever met on altislife communitys , i salute you with respect sov !!

And i hope you will find your way in the future

*Removed... Idiotic comments* You were the one I could always talk about random things and you would always be happy to have conversation about the weirdest of things.. I will always remember our 3 hour conversation about armas guns. I will never forget how many times you came to save the day after I sent you messages about the nightly trolls. You always trusted me on my decisions of stating out rule breakers - you didn't hesitate. 

Thank you greatest admin - and friend.

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