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Farewell boys!

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PLF Dagre

Racist Remarks
Just been banned for racism after I said an offhand comment in which I called Wilco Hitler about a week or two ago in a private TS conversation that ended up in the background of a report video. The issue was resolved over teamspeak between us maturely and I thought that was the end of it. It's been great playing with you all, and some others in specific. I'd like to thank Wilco in some ways, he brought me together with PLF and many other members. I'd also like to thanks all the guys that I've had late night gaming sessions with, tinychats, plug.dj's etc. it has been fun. Some who will be friends for a long time.  Anyone who needs to get hold of me go ahead and add me on steam or grab it off another PLF member. It's been fun while it lasted. If I get the time I'll probably write something a little longer than this. 

Someone got banned a while back for calling Steph something similar.

PLF want things to be fair and this is my first step to making things more fairer.... Your name keeps popping up "Dagree said this Dagree said that" and in my mind i have you calling me a nazi leader which is completely disrespectful.

I have just had an admin come in the room after going in a room to ask if PLF are to remain and you (PLF) have given her a list of demands.

PLF need to stop thinking this server cannot do without them and start sitting on everyone elses level rather quickly otherwise i will take action.

You are welcome to post a unban request like everyone else of course.

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I haven't given anyone any demands. I made it very clear to Steph when she came in the room I wasn't going to remain on this server for very long, the ban has only accelerated that. However, what annoys me is that when an issue has been resolved multiple weeks ago why would you then take it into your hands in what can only be seen as a rage to ban me from the server? 

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