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False License Plates

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Welsh | 2020 Pub Quiz Winner
Staff Team
Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police Trainer
United Kingdom
Brief Summary:
Allow people to place false license plates on vehicles to hide the true identity. 

Detailed Suggestion:
Introduce an item called "False Number Plates" 

When used, it would hide the identity of the vehicle you put the fake plates on so that the Police's ANPR Camera(s) won't be able to identify the vehicle to be yours without further investigation. This could be as simple as the license plate would come back as a different vehicle to police if they were to conduct a registration check. 

This would be solved by police by "Inspecting" the vehicle's VIN Number which would then come back to the original registration so there is still enormous risk to actually using your own vehicle and getting caught. 

It could work in two ways. You either need x2 "False Number Plates" to cover the front and rear of a vehicle or one pair. This just depends on what you, the developer decides on doing.  

The Pros:
-Would increase the roleplay and add another level of depth to the civilian / criminal world. 
-Would allow for criminals to actually try hide their identity as opposed to currently not caring about whether they do crime in their own vehicles. 

The Cons:
-Will require significant development time to actually create and implement.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

Not in my opinion. 

I stuck this idea in my large Suggestion. Pretty much same idea.

Fake Plates: Simple, Replaces Vehicle plate with a Fake plate, Can be used tactically to replicate another car or to stop your plate getting read. Easier to avoid pickup from ANPR, Cops ETC.. ANPR / Garage may need Adjusting. If caught, Vehicle Impounded for a Week large fine etc. Will stay on until removed by the player which will set back to Original Plate.These should again be rare, Which is the reason why high punishment if caught.  Example: https://streamable.com/xa2gen 

Brief Summary: TLDR; Bring fake plates to the server

Detailed Suggestion: Fake Plates - We all want them but they don't yet exist, this suggestion is to add Fake Plates that are a "Black Market" only type item that can only be acquired through some very lengthy means, these plates would be hard to acquire but very useful, when the vehicle is equipped with Fake Plates the ANPR from the LSPS would come back to a random local vehicle of sorts or perhaps another completely different vehicle with different owner etc, this then means officers will need to investigate this and it would also allow for Identity Theft and even potentially allow expansion for the sale of "Black Market" cars in the distant future, I can see these plates being used in the Racing Scene now that they are starting to establish more and grow as a whole as well as career criminals of the sorts, yes this will make the job harder for the LSPS to track vehicles down but it also means units like CID can be utilised more.

As for the manufacturing of these plates, well an old warehouse near the docks could potentially be used for this or perhaps even one of the public workbenches available, the recipe for the plates to be made on these benches can be added below but redacted by staff for Metagaming reasons, utilising these public benches would add an extra risk to it all as well for the manufacturing of these plates especially if caught by the LSPS, all in all as a summary this would massively improve the criminal side of things imo and still allow for extended RP from the LSPS when attempting to catch these dodgy plate makers.

These fake plates are meant for criminals, this could be the start of a trickle of potential updates for crims to do, these gangs could sell these plates on the down low or use them for their own gain meaning when doing the big bank they can use their own vehicles as an example of how they could be used.

If I can think of more to add to the suggestion I will however I believe for metagaming reasons I won't be able to go to much into the crafting detail nor the details of their use as I feel this should be solely discovered in Roleplay 🙂

The Pros:

More RP

Adds to Criminals abilities

Utilises the LSPS more

The Cons:

Dev Work (Of course as usual sorry dev team!)

Harder for LSPS to catch career criminals that utilise this suggestion

background work needed for this (Suitable bench locations or specific 1 off locations that rotate every so often to keep the LSPS on their feet)

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? YES.

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already been suggested i think?
The removal of plates was suggested but I feel as though fake plates would add more to the server and allow for further RP 🙂

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+1 don't see how this could be bad in any way 

ADD PLATE CLONING. Ofc when a plate is typed on pnc it shows make and colour. what about if you stole someones car and make dupe plates.

This adds more risk as you have to get them via stealing another car. Now you cna put any plate on there but putting a plate that goes back to a issi on a subaru wouldnt last long to be confirmed fake. But what if you stole another car then sprayed yours to match that colour. then it becomes harder. And makes people more wary about losing cars

Edited and added a bit more detail but not to much because Metagaming

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