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Fake license plates


Brief Summary:

adding the ability to craft fake license plate to use them in illegal activities 

Detailed Suggestion:

i usually like to use my own car when i rob cops or shops, but that always gets me caught after because they recognise my license plate so i think having ability to craft fake plates would make the game a bit more fun for both cops and civs/gangs, to balance it out maybe cops can recognise that a plate is fake, they just cant recognise who the car belongs to until they seize the car and remove the plate or something, for example if someone is just driving around with fake plates they will be stopped and searched but if they run and cops cant catch up to them then its game over for the cops. 

The Pros:

we can get to use our own fun to drive cars in illegal jobs 

more RP scenarios for cops (stopping cars with fake plates around city), buying and selling the plates as well as the recipe to make the plate.....

 crafting benches wont be abandoned and materials from mine/smeltery will be actually used for things other than hoarding it till guns are back 

The Cons:

might be a lot of work for devs 

ppl might abuse it to not get speeding tickets (but they are risking getting caught by cops so maybe it isnt really a con). 

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? 

i don't think it will 

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I'd love to see this, however I'd probably only use them to stop the speeding cameras from giving me a million tickets xD

From a police POV we already deal with enough supercars that we can't catch up to, this would certainly not help. Whilst I get the want to use your car for crime there has to be a fair risk vs reward to it. 

Yes! should have it as a craftable thing or a role to scrap certain vehicles, the higher skilled you are less chance they have of being flagged on a police cars ANPR or something like that!

From a police POV we already deal with enough supercars that we can't catch up to, this would certainly not help. Whilst I get the want to use your car for crime there has to be a fair risk vs reward to it. 
thats more of a vehicle speed issue then and using of the traffic unit than anything else than a license plate issue?

@3FingerGaming yes and no. Its both. Giving people a way to make their vehicles untraceable is incredibly powerful and hi ders us as police from scraping cars, tieing owners to offences etc. If something like this was to be implemented it would need to be heavily balanced not to further empower the "stupid criminals" robbing 24/7s with their Lamborghini and instead encourage smart criminals. 

well adding this might encourage criminals to run from the police rather than just start shooting on sight cuz now they have the option to run and not be found which will lead to some cool police chases across the city , so hopefully not all scenarios are john wick movie scene XD 

well adding this might encourage criminals to run from the police rather than just start shooting on sight cuz now they have the option to run and not be found which will lead to some cool police chases across the city , so hopefully not all scenarios are john wick movie scene XD 
They run from the police anyway, they just like to start taking heads off too.

i believe that fake plates would be good but wouldn't it mean  player owned repair shops?

I think adding this in to the server will help with people wanting to do illegal things In there cars, I.e street racing, robbery’s and so on. The problem at the moment is no matter if you car has a plate or not it can get caught by the speed cameras and police checks.

If you add a fake plate I think it should just add a random civi plate to the car.

As with everything we don’t want every person In the server running fake plates on all there cars as that would defeat the point. So to combat this I suggest tough punishment for anyone caught using a fake plate on there cars (big fines and impound costs or ever scrapping of cars caught using them) this would then make it so you would have you nice day to day car that costs a lot but then if you want to do something illegal you have another car running a fake plate that if you get caught it’s not the end of the world. 

Also these plates would have to be bought from somewhere and put on there car adding more risk as shop or other places would need to stock and sell them. Also if these plates are a sort of black market thing people are going to have to find out who sells them and so on so new people might not be able to get them right away.


I think this would add more roleplay in finding who sells them and interactions with police.


If not don’t properly with good punishments everyone with abuse it.

Would love to hear what people think.

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I think adding this in to the server will help with people wanting to do illegal things In there cars
No lack of people doing this already - and why would it be incentiveised to use your own cars for crime without any risk of having it come back to you? Creates a big meta issue where there isn't one today. 

This is true people do use them already but the problem is if you get in a chase with police they can just get your plate and then look for you another time it needed as they have your name. 

This would mean that unless you are caught by the police they wouldn’t know who you are but if you do get caught you run the risk of a bigger punishment.

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wanting to do illegal things In there cars
See the thing is IMO I don't like this idea when it comes to robberies. You don't see a extremely expensive super car do a shop/bank or any kind of robbery. The value of a car should be not taken lightly and honestly if someones personal car is being used in a robbery and it was not genuinely stolen. That shouldn't be a simple fine and car gets impounded, that should be a seizure and scrap. If people want to commit crimes, then steal a local vehicle, as it will NEVER be traced back towards you. There are plenty of super cars that local drive and that you can steal. Unfortunately that will be a -1from me. 
(This is my personal opinion and not from the staff team)

Nice extremely realistic feature that should be commonplace on UK themed servers

I can see both sides of this. What about the plate is created and "applied" to the car like a mask is applied to the player and then if the car goes through a speed camera the plate is consumed and taken away? 

this would create a flow through for the plates and keep them being made by players and keep them in demand throughout the city as they are now consumable. This would also open up the RP and probably help police a little bit too. Especially if police could have a "check for fake plates" button on their controls when pulling over said cars. 

Now, before I go into this any further, I know something like this has been suggested before, and I don't know if this has been rejected already. I would just like to add a few things and go into a bit more detail. 

So with the recent changes, I think it would be a good idea to implement something like this. Fake plates would be a way for crims to even the playing field slightly for the plate readings and warrants etc. With the recent 'wars' that have been going on, a lot of vehicles have been scrapped (or so I've heard). This isn't a suggestion to completely combat this, as I think it will provide some good roleplay for police and crims, and still be fair. Again, before I make any points, I want to say that with this idea, there would be a way police can search the vehicle for fake plates if they catch the person trying to escape. This means if the car has been used in a war, and the police catch the person after they try to escape, then the necessary steps can still be taken by police for the personal vehicle as they can remove and check for the fake plates. 

Metal Fake Plates
Having metal fake plates that you are able to take on and off yourself, and be reusable. With these, they could either be crafted yourself or bought from somewhere/someone. For example, the crafting side of things there a few materials in the mines that are useless, having the fake metal plates could be a way to get use out of these materials and then be crafted at tables. If not able to be crafted, as this could cause every person in the city to have them, they could only be made by certain group/gangs and sold for x amount of money (not cheap as they are in fact reusable). Another example, Tire Nutz or Auto Exotic could sell these plates and advertise them as 'show plates' or something along those lines, but as they're a legitimate business, this could cause a few problems for them. Having a group/gang sell them could be another idea, only certain gangs would be able to craft them which in turn would lead to some more RP between other groups doing deals with them. 

Pros for the metal plates:
Less chance of getting picked up by plate readers and speed cameras
Used for illegal activities to help protect your vehicle 

Cons for the metal plates:
If seen multiple times with that plate (as its reusable), police can flag it
If caught, police can search the vehicle for fake plates and you can be charged

Sticker Fake Plates
Another idea is having fake sticker plates. These sticker plates would cost less and can only be used ONCE. People just driving around all day speeding without getting tickets would be a bit too overpowered, so to combat this, the sticker plates peel off after a certain amount of time (30-45mins?). Having them peel off would mean people would only put them on when going to do something illegal like robberies, wars, races etc. and would need to take a few at a time if they're going to be doing something big. Again, if the person with the sticker plates are caught, police would be able to remove the sticker to see their actual plate, which means they would again be able to take the necessary steps and actions against that person. For the sticker plates, crafting them would be a bit difficult, so it would need some sort of printing machine. As mentioned before, the mechanic business could do this, or only certain groups/gangs could make them and sell them for a certain amount of money. 

Pros for the sticker plates:
same pros as the metal plates (apart from being reusable)

Cons for the sticker plates:
One time use
Peel off after x amount of time
Police can remove them if caught 

In conclusion, I think this might be a good way for crims to try and prevent their personal vehicles from getting easily flagged up when doing something illegal. Using local cars for illegal stuff is useless, they die and break down after one very small crash and you can hardly ever get a good police chase out of it. I am in no way trying to completely get rid of or trying to undermine the policing side of things when it comes to catching crims, I think it just adds a bit more excitement, roleplay and a chance for crims to not have to worry about scrapping or high impound prices even if they get away in a chase.  

Would love to hear what people think about this, and add anything that you think could be a good idea on top. If you hate the idea, thats fine too, just wanted to see what people would think 🙂

More Police and Crim RP
More things for crims to do
Better police chases

Dev work
metal plates used constantly to avoid speeding tickets 


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Yeah like this take especially with the temporary sticker plates that act like a stats boost for your car for a period of time. With both though it should be possible for police to ID the vehicle with a VIN number on close inspection. +1
