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Fail RP lately

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gosh never knew a little conversation between me and Porkchop would turn this into forum world war :/

Porkchop, let's make a duo... A roleplay duo! We'll roleplay the shit out of each other! Deal? =)

Matty, if you think your so big I would love to knock you down a peg or two. But due to this being an adult community I wouldn't even lower my self to you. #FGT

ok big fella get the next flight to Manchester and then I'll put a pint glass over your snapback and then you can go home.

Matt, We do not make things personal on this forum ever...., Its an adult community... no one will be flying to manchester and taking this off the forum.

I am issuing you a warning point which will give you a weeks ban from the forum only, Please in future think fully before you type as this sort of unneeded behavior and re-posting someones personal picture, Please do not roll whatever this is onto our server or teamspeak.

I am also locking the topic so this does not escalate any further, i did post a friendly warning a few posts ago.

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