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Explosive Desync (Completed 15/09/2014)

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name- Matt

player ID- 76561197990408387

Items Lost

-Uncovered Zamack

-50 unprocessed copper

-clothes and backpack of value ~19K

-~40K cash.

Total worth - 200k

I lost an Uncovered Zamack that I had bought on the way into Kavala. Me and a user called Tim were running back into Kavala and I was following him with ~50-100m gap between us. Either I lagged forwards or Tim lagged backwards and we both blew up. 

It was a pretty frustrating end to being harassed by robbers the whole time we were trying to do the run!

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So is this ever going to get looked at or has it's improper formatting doomed it till the end of time?

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Accepted, please use template in the future but you gave us enough info to accept.

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