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eXile (Action: Ban issued 08/09/2014)

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Hahaha you took my video and re-uploaded it and think that will do anything? I have too many witnesses and proof of your retarded bunch of friends trolling and VDMing in general.

Good luck though, did revolution suck you off or something?

It's a rule to be mad, when you are in the rebel ghetto community. Madness = Superiority.

Right bored of listening to everyone, ill watch the video and ban either the guy in the video, the poster, or someone in this chat that has posted a bunch of crap that i dont have time to read because everyone has gone off topic and its wasting my time.

Good luck and good speed to each and everyone of you in my sights. 

Mass RDM and Metagaming.

I understand there was some VDM going on at the time and that was addressed in another thread, However i am going to have to issue a ban here for the RDM (even if rules are broken players cannot take rules into there own hands)

0f3aa32cc0896f8142115fdd685da628 -1 eXile - Forum Report 08/09/2014

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