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Evading SCO19 and PAT no problem

Do you even know how hard it is to take out an ifrit with a 6.5mm rifle?

Do you know how much slower the hunter is compared to the ifrit?

You evaded the pro active team and apparently the SCO19 in 2 ifrits.... We are pretty much screwed when a rebel gets in an ifrit due to how over armoured it is and yet you rebels still moan about us being at an advantage to you when the only weapon we have against the ifrit is the spike strip and even that is hard to use against you because you are unpredictable when you are able to drive off road and anywhere you want.

So before you start boasting on how you got away think of how easy it is really to get away in an ifrit.

Let me break the Hunter and Ifrit MRAP(Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) Vehicles down for everyone.

Ramming=Hunter Has The Advantage(Due to high difficulty of actually flipping it)
-Hunter has lower center of gravity and higher weight=Less likely to flip
-Ifrit has higher center of gravity and lower weight=More likely to flip
-Hunter is a boxy shaped vehicle=More likely to get stuck on it's sides when flipped
-Ifrit is an angular shaped vehicle=Less likely to get stuck on it's sides when flipped

Outrunning=Ifrit Has The Advantage(Both vehicles perform on all terrain)
-Hunter Max Normal Speed=100kmh
-Turbo Max Speed=117kmh
-Ifrit Max Normal Speed=117kmh
-Turbo Max Speed=137kmh

Shooting an MRAP(Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) Vehicle
-Only 50. Cal Offroads can destroy them and the number of rounds varies depending on what vehicle part you hit.(Bear in mind it is faster and easier to shoot the engine if you want to disable the vehicle as it causes the vehicle to slow and stop altogether.)
-If you have anything else shoot the tires it takes approximately 35-40 rounds to destroy the tires. The windows are also a damagable part of the vehicle however it requires 100+ bullets,so it is better to immobilize the MRAPs by shooting their tires.

In a Hunter VS Ifrit Scenario In direct unarmed vehicular combat the Hunter would win with several direct rams possibly flipping the vehicle,while the Ifrit can win with several angled rams. In a chase the Ifrit (If driven correctly) would outrun the Hunter (time variable not given due to high variation of terrain) and win.

(I have done weapon,speed, and damage assessments on these vehicles in the editor and with AI.)

On an unrelated note,the Strider is a rear engine,amphibious(10kmh) vehicle with an IR Periscope and smoke countermeasures in the commander seat and I think it is awesome.

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In a Hunter VS Ifrit Scenario In direct unarmed vehicular combat the Hunter would win with several direct rams possibly flipping the vehicle,while the Ifrit can win with several angled rams. In a chase the Ifrit (If driven correctly) would outrun the Hunter (time variable not given due to high variation of terrain) and win.
-Hunter Max Normal Speed=100kmh-Turbo Max Speed=117kmh

-Ifrit Max Normal Speed=117kmh

-Turbo Max Speed=137kmh
I think you overlooked the part where the Ifrit is faster than a hunter, so the only chance of getting rammed is caused by bad driving or poor route choices. However if the Ifrits are going on road and can be predicted, hunters might be able to ram them head on etc. But as soon as Police spot a hunter, they usually go off-road right away. So until we can get a hunter, there is very little we can do.

Peronally I'm getting sick of Ifrits. Rebels only drive them to VDM, troll (usually drive in high populated areas so people chase them), or rarely, use them for bank jobs etc.

The only counters are spikes, which require time and knowing where they are going. If they go off-road they are almost never successful. Leaving Hunters. Hunters are only available to SCO19, and Police ranked DI or CI. You do the maths.

But saying you evaded SCO19 and PAT, is not true. SCO19 only appeared during the last 5min of the chase. And PAT had you tailed for over 30min before you had the chance to escape. So you if you really think you did some amazing feat, I'll leave you with your thought. 

But saying you evaded SCO19 and PAT, is not true. SCO19 only appeared during the last 5min of the chase. And PAT had you tailed for over 30min before you had the chance to escape. So you if you really think you did some amazing feat, I'll leave you with your thought. 
As i said before, if they did a post named "Funny evening with cops" is one thing, bragging about running away when you were scared (at least sounded like that in the video) it's completly different.

I think you overlooked the part where the Ifrit is faster than a hunter, so the only chance of getting rammed is caused by bad driving or poor route choices. However if the Ifrits are going on road and can be predicted, hunters might be able to ram them head on etc. But as soon as Police spot a hunter, they usually go off-road right away. So until we can get a hunter, there is very little we can do.

Peronally I'm getting sick of Ifrits. Rebels only drive them to VDM, troll (usually drive in high populated areas so people chase them), or rarely, use them for bank jobs etc.

The only counters are spikes, which require time and knowing where they are going. If they go off-road they are almost never successful. Leaving Hunters. Hunters are only available to SCO19, and Police ranked DI or CI. You do the maths.

But saying you evaded SCO19 and PAT, is not true. SCO19 only appeared during the last 5min of the chase. And PAT had you tailed for over 30min before you had the chance to escape. So you if you really think you did some amazing feat, I'll leave you with your thought. 
Disabling an Ifrit takes good teamwork coordination and strategy..

A Hunter has the advantage over the Ifrit as it is very difficult to flip it thus making it a ramming machine when in pursuit of an Ifrit, 2 Hunters = Win.

It actually takes 2 6.5mm mags to pop an Ifrit tyre and a 7.62mm can penetrate the front glass panel.

And not forgetting the spike strips which will immobilize the Ifrit fullstop..

All it takes is game mechanic knowledge and teamwork to disable an Ifrit.

I noticed at the end of the video they start shooting at your mohawk :lol: , guys a 6.5mm will not penetrate a mohawk...

As i said before, if they did a post named "Funny evening with cops" is one thing, bragging about running away when you were scared (at least sounded like that in the video) it's completly different.
Escaping the force when they are after you and you are wanted is a WIN in my eyes..

I think you overlooked the part where the Ifrit is faster than a hunter, so the only chance of getting rammed is caused by bad driving or poor route choices. However if the Ifrits are going on road and can be predicted, hunters might be able to ram them head on etc. But as soon as Police spot a hunter, they usually go off-road right away. So until we can get a hunter, there is very little we can do.

Peronally I'm getting sick of Ifrits. Rebels only drive them to VDM, troll (usually drive in high populated areas so people chase them), or rarely, use them for bank jobs etc.

The only counters are spikes, which require time and knowing where they are going. If they go off-road they are almost never successful. Leaving Hunters. Hunters are only available to SCO19, and Police ranked DI or CI. You do the maths.

But saying you evaded SCO19 and PAT, is not true. SCO19 only appeared during the last 5min of the chase. And PAT had you tailed for over 30min before you had the chance to escape. So you if you really think you did some amazing feat, I'll leave you with your thought. 
I did not overlook the Ifrit's speed, I clearly stated if the vehicles fought by ramming the Hunter has a higher chance of winning and if the vehicles were chasing each other the Ifrit has a speed advantage and is likely to win if driven properly with the time of escape varying on skill and terrain. I also stated there are variables where both vehicles can win these scenarios. In the case of the video above the "salt flats" are exactly that "flat",therefore the Ifrit can and did easily escape a Hunter. Also if your still wondering about if an Ifrit directly rams a Hunter, I rammed an Ifrit directly at Hunters on Sofia Highway(In the editor) and upon directly ramming the Hunters sides they tipped and the Ifrit drove over and off them like a bizarre ramp (flipping in one instance and correcting itself on the ground) while the Hunter rebalanced itself on all four tires shortly after impact. At an angular ram the Hunter skids and the tires have a possibility of popping because there are on the corners which an angular ram should take place.

This is highly likely the work of unaffiliated Rebels(catch their names please) to which I have mentioned in other threads merely own a membership and do as they please and therefore whitelisting has been brought up many times to counter them. Ed once said there are 161 Ifrit owning Rebels and 58 Hunters in the Police Force. To my knowledge the current estimated count of affiliated forum known rebels assuming they all own an Ifrit is an unconfirmed 55-65 with the BRC,ASR,Pt,CROWS,House Of Lord Sandisk and Lonewolf(?). Whitelisting could literally drop the Ifrit numbers to 1/3 the current count should a process be implemented.

I did not factor in Spike Strips which are not the only counter to Ifrits(they are however the fastest) and I have no affiliation with Pt in the video above.

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basically what i am seeing here is the cops seeming like they are mad because they clearly failed to capture us like denzel said "Disabling an Ifrit takes good teamwork coordination and strategy.." clearly you might need to work on that abit harder. yes the sco19 may have came in the last 5 minutes of the chase but do the math we were outnumbered 1-5 you should have won you could have easily set up severaler ambushes, how many were there? 0. The Shadow yes i am boasting because you had the advantage in numbers and we got away, teamwork-1 cops-0

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basically what i am seeing here is the cops seeming like they are mad because they clearly failed to capture us like denzel said "Disabling an Ifrit takes good teamwork coordination and strategy.." clearly you might need to work on that abit harder. yes the sco19 may have came in the last 5 minutes of the chase but do the math we were outnumbered 1-5 you should have won you could have easily set up severaler ambushes, how many were there? 0. The Shadow yes i am boasting because you had the advantage in numbers and we got away, teamwork-1 cops-0
I was not there, im just sticking up for my unit and P.A.T.

The only reason you got away was because you drove an ifrit, like i and other people stated once a rebel gets in a ifrit its pretty much time wasting to chase you because you can just avoid ambushes like they are nothing (being as you can drive on pretty much every terrain) and there is no chance we can put a spike down without you driving right past it as you where off road 90% of the time and that is kinda hard to predict where you are going. What you don't realise we/police can not just place spike strips here there and everywhere due to the high activity on the server with other players, we place a spike strip and a civ runs over it then we have to either leave them stranded or repair the vehicle. you have to take all this into consideration when all you rebels have to do is drive an ifrit off road to a chopper and leave a big enough space between you and us to just jump in the chopper

just face it rebels have the upper-hand on the police now...

I was not there, im just sticking up for my unit and P.A.T.

The only reason you got away was because you drove an ifrit, like i and other people stated once a rebel gets in a ifrit its pretty much time wasting to chase you because you can just avoid ambushes like they are nothing (being as you can drive on pretty much every terrain) and there is no chance we can put a spike down without you driving right past it as you where off road 90% of the time and that is kinda hard to predict where you are going. What you don't realise we/police can not just place spike strips here there and everywhere due to the high activity on the server with other players, we place a spike strip and a civ runs over it then we have to either leave them stranded or repair the vehicle. you have to take all this into consideration when all you rebels have to do is drive an ifrit off road to a chopper and leave a big enough space between you and us to just jump in the chopper

just face it rebels have the upper-hand on the police now...
Yea i will admit, the Ifrit does give us an advantage against all police units, and yea running away from police units isnt anything to be proud of.

If you took out both units i woulda congratulated you but we all know that is never going to happen.

So yea in the war of rebels against police the Ifrit gives us lot a bit of an advantage but good training and coordination can win against that.

The thing is though it doesn't matter what equipment you have, it all boils down to training.

The other day me and a few guys took part in a police training exercise with what I belived to be the PAT.

To cut a long story short we took out all but one of the PAT with only losing one man.

His streak was quickly destroyed when we came against CI Joshbond, he wasn't armed with any OP or special gear, but he took out the remainder of our guys, 4 in total and we only got him when the last guy charged with an MK200 but they took each other out.

Most of the guys he killed were shot with only one or two bullets, never anything more. So if the police force were to take in all the training and knowledge their senior officers have then the rebel forces wouldn't stand much of a chance at all.

I was in the hunter but was called in late to attend the salt flats, Im not in SCO or PAT though. But to be honest good show guys and a great getaway! Haha! Hopefully the Sofia Constabulary can get you the next time! ;D

Every time I arrest you guys I will record it and then make a video saying, How easy it is to arrest pT

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