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Epic cop RP.. or maybe not

Argh i see, ehh let me try to fix

I should work now with a work around

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i love that he sais he "know" you have a weapon and the tells u to shut up.

good post. 

Here is what we saw at our angle: (Yes the quality isn't that good but it's literally what we watched back and used when we arrested you)


Me and SGT Bradley genuinely believed you had a weapon hence why we jumped up on you so quick. Due to the fact you called us out to that specific location and then we saw you hiding and believed we saw a lethal weapon that is why we presumed it was a setup. Obviously i was wrong and i'll happily admit that. 

Here is my POV. As you can see, it clearly looks like he has a gun due to the animation of his arms.... His friend also "combat logged" of such by killing himself to avoid us - at this point it looked like he killed himself with his friends gun in order to get away from jail and any proof.

I reviewed this evidence describing it as a body cam at the rp scene. I confirmed that he had a gun when we approached the scene: this added with the location of this strangely reported situation seems to be a set-up - im sure you'd agree.

Liquid was not at fault here, he was receiving information from me (his superior officer) I therefore take all accused actions.

PLEASE look at the evidence from my angle, an officer going to an unusual call out in a perfect place for an ambush / hostage situation. 


We were trying to set up a ambush yes :)

But we were not ready cause the third Guy from our Side keep dying.

Liquid you are a cool guy, i havnt talked to Bradley so dont know About him but i think he is ok.

But saying i was exploiding the game and now that my friend was "combat logging" is not fair.

As seen in my vid i want exploiding and my friend really just died cause of no water

So technically i was right about the failed ambush lol  ;)  no but i understand that you weren't exploiting now but at the time it was what i believed. I'll admit i was wrong though. Hope you understand where our side of things were coming from.

I do yes :)

I saw the vid that Bradley post.. At almost the end, there is 1 guy falling. That was the 3th member of my group. I dont know him but i dont know why he jumpd off. My mate died when Liquid walked up to me, he died from no water and food.

And another really good rp not...

And again me and my friend lost gear cause the cop exploiding

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Regarding the video you've just posted. You did not lose anything there, I'm sure i resolved the situation.

Either way i did explain to you at the scene that he is a PCSO, who is in training. Hence why i was with him that day (me being a Police Training Officer), and i did tell you i would inform him about correct RP etc etc - which you seemed to understand. There wasn't any need to post that video and name and shame that officer. 

Well i didnt report him, but you know what it is that i post this video's because im really getting sick and tired of some cops. They dont RP arrest ppl for nothing. I keep losing stuff ( so also money ) because of this kind of things.

I do understand you Liquid, and you do understand me i think. But due the lost of impounded stuff every time and sending to jail ( so loosing all inventory items and guns ) i think its not fair to just walk away each time
