I just want to say, that from a Development standpoint, RPUK outdoes ANY un-whitelisted server i've ever played on. In terms of quality and depth, And i've played on quite a few. So on that part, Devs are beyond amazing.
For starters, I've not much experience on RPUK's FiveM server, I am yet to properly play, but there's a reason for that, Most of my views come from the countless great RPUK Streamers on Twitch, Probably the biggest reason I've not yet returned to RPUK is due to the fact that when I watch streamers play on RPUK's FiveM server, I can still see that toxicity and that win mentality from Arma 3, which for me is a huge turn off.
I am for not a single moment saying "There's no good RPer's on RPUK". Because that's not true, there's loads. But these groups of people, be it Police Officers with a win mentality, or be it gang members with the same issue are letting the side down.
Even small things such as Officers breaking Red Lights then immediately giving someone a ticket for speeding, it's a small thing, but for RP it goes a long way for immersion and realism. The countless times i've watched players give zero RP, and purely just spout off abuse, anger and insults is kinda sad.
Apart from the RP side of things, RPUK looks stronger than ever, I hope to see it improve on the RP front (Well done to all the Devs tbh, absolutely amazing features
