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elite dangerous

exactly what i have been doing

going to extraction zones with one is a gold pot also when them anacondas turn up with a nice 100k bounty waiting for the feds to kill the shield and full on nuking them is working wonders for me....that is until another player gets a bit of damage on them and i get nothing from it

frontier need to bring the "wings" part of the game out soon aswell its no fun when teaming up and only one of us gets the bounty
Player Wings is comming early next year :)

I've been exploiting my old Beta trade routes. Type-6 here we come!

Can't wait to get my Anaconda again though!

Give me ur moneymaking tips :D Im hunting for bounties and do the occasional missionboard contract (whenever they make more than 10k), but i'm nowhere near getting over 200k bounties xD Is there anything I can buy to scan how high a bounty is before I engage or something?

a kill warrant scanner is what you need khandamir

it slots into a utility slot on the outside of your ship and you point it to the bounties and fire and hold it on the enemy for 10 seconds to get the full bounty info on them


anytime, i use this in a Resource extraction zone and it gives you the bounties for all the zones its wanted in if you scan them with

killed a cobra yesterday with a bounty of 25k in federation space and he a bonus 5k bounty in independant space 

also if the zones your in are infested with other players try playing in solo play then its just you and the not so good NPCs

I've recently discovered rare goods while traveling. A rare good spawns in very small quantities at specific locations and as you travel very far(over 100 light years.) they get very profitable. You can make 15K+ on just 1 ton of a rare good. Fill a small cargo hold and you have over 100K minimum,when I noticed it a guy with 22 cargo space made 300K.

Am i the only one that feels truly swamped in this game? I can handle travelling to stations, and docking, i have 22cr because i accidently shot, and got a fine, and then got obliterated defending myself. but my question to you guys is HOW DO. Is there any way i can meet up with someone i know ingame and they give me a quick run through? I found a market but i couldnt see any goods, and also, how the crap do i exit the game xD

Am i the only one that feels truly swamped in this game? I can handle travelling to stations, and docking, i have 22cr because i accidently shot, and got a fine, and then got obliterated defending myself. but my question to you guys is HOW DO. Is there any way i can meet up with someone i know ingame and they give me a quick run through? I found a market but i couldnt see any goods, and also, how the crap do i exit the game xD
I can teach you the ways of space sims. Now we simply need a time.

i can attempt to help you aswell at some point if needed

There is an elite dangerous room down the bottom of teamspeak, and send me a invite in game and I'll add you to the group, everybody in there is from altis life.

In the new year early on they will be releasing player wings to make life easier for multiplayer

I killed an Anaconda(A frigate which is the biggest buyable ship) in a Viper(Fighter) today. I feel so badass. I will say cannons paired with dumbfire missile spam on a large target will obliterate all that armor in 30 seconds once you down the shields and I loved every second of it.

im sneaky with the anacondas when in my viper, i let the security vessels take the shield down and just unload with my lasers and multi cannons while having the power plant targeted i quite literally pewpewpew

im sneaky with the anacondas when in my viper, i let the security vessels take the shield down and just unload with my lasers and multi cannons while having the power plant targeted i quite literally pewpewpew
It's a skill based game,which is why I like it. You know your doing something right when a 143,000 credit ship can kill a 147,000,000 credit ship.

ive played it over the past week, as fun as it is and it really is fun im looking forward to the wings update to fly with yous all and just tear it up when bounty hunting

Oh shit yeah, wings is going to be awesome.

@Boriis contact me on ts if you need some help with troubleshooting your issue.

Same goes for anybody having trouble with elite give me a shout I'll do my best to help
