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teamspeak is down so i couldt join to ask, how does it feel when u broken something in youurr leg ?

hurts like "BIG" fuck...

If it hurts really really bad its most likely that you have a bruised bone not a broken one. :)

A broken bone does not hurt that bad because well .. its broken :) But a bruised one hurt like shit.

Is it swollen alot?

Erm.....why don't you just ask someone qualified rather than a gaming community? Unfortunately the altis NHS doesn't count!

Yeah why do you ask here? It's not like Steph is a NURSE. hahaha but yeah you should definitley go see a doctor :) Not sure tho because its Sunday :s and no idea how it is with the hospitals in Sweden?

It doesn't really hurt.. the adrenaline takes over the pain.

I broke my leg and the bone petruded through the skin and it had to be operated on, it only hurt when i had it straitened out though.

But yeah go see a doc you may have torn a muscle or damaged a tendon.

Broke my collar bone in an IED a few years ago, didn't hurt until Ius day afterwards, like The Shadow said, adrenaline takes over and your brain kicks into a different mode.

That being said, get a paper cut and you're out of action for weeks.

Amazing really..

Pain isnt a physical thing per se. Pain is just your brains reaction to injury basicallly telling you "Hey, motherfucker, get that wound cleaned out" or some shit. I was in a skiing accident where i had a bone in by forearm broken in 2 places, hand absolutely smashed to shit and a few bruises on my back. Funnily enough, the bruises hurt the most. Pain is all about what you want it to be. Focus on something else and you're good to go.

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