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Eddie_000 Rule 0 (Action: Ban Issued 14/01/2015)

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The Flying Scotsman
As you've gathered by now, this is very annoying.

Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Eddie_000
Time & Date this happened: 13.01.15 Idk time
Description of what happened: He was questioning me arresting Gourvo at Donator Shop as he thought it was for illegal firearm (which it wasn't) and he was swearing at me so I arrested him and this happened.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
Could you tell me why u reporter me? What did i do Wrong? I called u a kid once in game and you arrest me and i break no rules???

Rule 0: An Adult Community

We are proud to see our-self as an Adult community, this doesn't mean you need to be over 18 to play here... it means you cannot act like a complete douche!

We will ban people for bullying, racial hatred or just being a complete idiot towards other members.

if you don't agree with someone or something someone has said then disagree in a adult manner rather than shitty comments or trying to start a flame war.

Keep things civil keep things friendly and this community will be a very welcome place for all, after all we are here to have fun not cause drama!

We have had our fair share of drama makers here in the past... and as you see they are not here anymore just keep that in mind before posting on the forums, speaking on TS or on the server.
Ye, i get called idiot fag kid etc Everyday, its roleplay its not irl dude, if it Would ve on teamspeak or ooc i Would understas the report but its Ingame i was trying to roleplay man

Ok, let me ask you this. 

Was it you who told an admin that I sent you to jail for it? If so, you told me sending you to jail was breaking rp...

This definetly is breaking RP

Anyway admin's decision is final, and I hope it is the right one.

Yeah, i asked kris and told him the situation and he said u did the Right thing, wich i also think after kris told me, but still a report is a little bit too much, its roleplay you have to expert some people being Rude, like Real life.

I experience being called a kid AT LEAST 3 TIMES A DAY it's no longer RP.

I expierence being called a faggot 5 Times' a day irl is not Real life.

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Requesting lock now, we're going in circles.

Please wait for admins to decide.

Right i'm sorry, but can you at least try to act mature on here? Also please go to your own thread.

I actually left the server for a period of time due to this happening too often, and if it continues so much then I will be forced to leave the police.

All you think about is yourself and not how you can upset other people.

Selfish little bastards.

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Right i'm sorry, but can you at least try to act mature on here? Also please go to your own thread.

I actually left the server for a period of time due to this happening too often, and if it continues so much then I will be forced to leave the police.

All you think about is yourself and not how you can upset other people.

Selfish little bastards.
Please leave the police without u the police will be better leave the server its better to us

Stole your police vehicle and you told me it is bad RP, you're just a salty child who doesn't even try to properly RP situations that could actually be really good, instead you just act angry.

Well, I was on patrol with Ross when you were arrested, and you didn't just said it once as statet. You said it over and over again, you said the F-word at us both, you called us assh***s. You have issuse, and i would guess thats why you are being reporter as well.

It's just my humble opinion that if someone doesn't like being called a kid that there is a simple solution for it. JUST DONT CALL HIM KID. I mean is it so important to your RP to be able to call someone something that they obviously don't like being called. And if your character in game wants to be rude there are plenty of other ways to do so other than calling him kid. You could just be sarcastic or have an attitude in your tone. Like I said though this is just my opinion.

I've witnessed people calling Ross a 'kid' or 'child' because he sounds young, and to be honest it's not RP at all, they are clearly trying to snipe at him personally and not the character he plays, I mean I don't go around calling people out on their polish/german/mexican/whatever accents, because its more than a little insulting and its mixing their real life with the character they are trying to portray in-game, which may not have anything to do with one another, so either insult him in character or keep your mouth shut and let him enjoy playing.

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As ex UK police officer in RL, you'll get called all sorts of names chap! They're trying to annoy you and get a reaction out of you. Especially if you're arresting someone! if we get offended by everything people said to us, we'd never be able to do our jobs. You're in the public eye, you're interacting and dealing with matters that no one else wants to deal with. You'll see the best and worst of the human race. Both in RL and RP.

Being called a kid is something you will get, but don't let it effect you. People calling you stupid names are behind a keyboard at home, it makes it even more pathetic.

Never go to their level. If they're randomly calling you names out of the blue then of course you can take them aside, warn them if they do it again they will be arrested and talk to them, that's your best weapon. If they continue being a nuisance, swearing, harassing etc. Arrest them for disorderly conduct in a public place. (section 5 of the Public Order Act). Your job is to help people, maybe you two can talk it out? be grown ups about it, we have all this rubbish outside in the real world. I've seen it happen many times and many times it's resulted in being solved the grown up way. But here the Admins will obviously decide, but as I said it's always best to try to solve it together. We're here to have fun!

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