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Ed Williams - Admin Abuse

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New member
Name of person: Ed Williams

Description of what happened: Admin Abuse

Tried to resolve: Yes

So after having a hilarious crash involving 3 vehicles and one death, seeing as I held a rebel license I decided to set up and ambush and catch a cop. Player/Admin Ed Williams responded and showed up about 5 minutes and was promptly gun downed like any rebel would do.

However, this action somehow warranted the admin to abuse his powers and promptly teleport to me upon respawn and try to tazer me 3 times and fail, then kick ban me. 

The issue here is not whether or not the ambush was fair, but the fact the admin used their power unfairly to gain advantage and seek some sort of, what I can only describe as revenge. 

If you're going to be so anal about the rules, then at least do it in a mature and professional manor. 

It'll be interesting to see where this goes seeing as he is an admin on the server, so I doubt anything will come of it. 

I teleported to your location in order to discuss the rules with you - you seemed so dead set on your knowledge of them, that I thought I'd give you one last chance to hear why your actions were already worthy of a ban, in the hope that you'd admit your mistake and play better next time. I was in 'ADMIN mode' when I teleported, and I said that clearly, several times... along with instructions to leave your vehicle and talk to me. Instead, you continued to attempt to drive off.

So I plonked you in the ban-hole. Like I would any other RDMer.

FWIW, randomly shooting cops in an ambush, without a word, is both 'random' and considered 'deathmatching' on this roleplay-focussed server. Sadly, all the 'roleplay' I was able to do with you, consisted of 'posthumous complaints' to you via VON, after I was already dead. This is precisely why RDM is so frowned-upon here. it was a fun game for you - for me, it was a ten minute drive to answer your fake call, and then instant death upon leaving my vehicle. Not a lot of fun, and consequently, would've got you a ban right there, for that alone. You were NOT in the red-zone, either, which is a zone set aside specifically for this kind of 'low-RP' play, if people insist upon that kind of 'game'.

So. Sorry. No admin abuse here. By all means consult other admins to find out their viewpoint on it. Most of them would've banned you about 10 seconds after you'd dropped them without warning, tbh. I actually thought I would attempt to explain to you (in-game, but out-of-character) in the hopes that you'd AVOID the ban. Clearly, I shouldn't have bothered.

Ban stays - for the time being at least, pending your response.

This guy ran me over two days ago and clearly after allot of talking in forum he still refused to understand that RDM and VDM is bannable offenses on this server..

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I'll give this one until close of play Monday for a response from MigEater, after which it will go into the 'denied' folder and his ban will stay in place forever.

I think - and hopefully it is evident from my posts above and now - that I am being more than fair here. If you still believe I was 'abusing' my powers (which I was attempting to use to TALK to you AS ADMIN, not to GAME with you AS PLAYER), then there is little hope for you. Similarly, if your reading of the rules still hasn't made it clear that randomly ambushing people outside of the red-zone, without any attempt to engage them in roleplay or at least give them an opportunity to run, fight, talk, or surrender,  counts as RANDOM DEATHMATCHING, then once again, you're going to find yourself in the sin-bin perpetually.

But I live in hope. Many others have been rescued from the jaws of disaster... maybe you'll be one too.

There have been many reports of hogwarts pupils taking trips to altis and annoying muggles mainly harry jacko and ron wilco, this will be taken to both the ministry of magic and dumbledore.

The person has not returned to respond, Moving this over to denied.

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