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Economy Reset

Would an economy reset be beneficial for the server?

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Although this will probably never happen it's a +1 from me.

I have a reasonable amount of money but take all my money it don't matter to me, i'm all down for a reset i know its probably not the best move for the server but hands down some of my best times on here was back when i first started out. I remember joining the server and asking @SALV to borrow me his truck boxer so i could do some copper runs, running around kavala greenzone spitting on people like a little broke back lip dick selfie stick hobo bum haha.

Think of how much fun it would be everyone on the same grind trying to build up cash again to buy trucks and licences and shit actually having something to lose. Back in the day i was actually scared of the coppers and afraid to even have a gun on me simply because i didn't want to lose 1 of my last trucks or gear sets, nowadays its like yeah fuck it take my shit i don't give a fuck i can buy that 100x over. We all know 80% of us would rather have a gunfight than be took back to PD and questioned and feel like were shitting hedgehogs because we don't want to lose our shit.

That's probably why i don't get as much fun out of the server as i used to, whenever im on now i literally just fuck around with not a care in the world and end up getting into trouble and drama.


Pee the predator Money


And after the so called economy revamp that aint happening we are back yet again to complaints about weapon prices youre all gonna be stuck at the same position you are in now and wanting a economy revamp and up the prices of guns.

Cuz not only rebels have an overflow of money but so do police and you have nothing to spend it on. Us rebels do.

And dont give me this argument that you go on police holiday every 2 months that you end early aswell.

You also forget that police economy is just as much part the server economy aswell (WOW SHOCKER, WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT? SOMEONE GIVE ME A MEDAL FOR THIS DISCOVERY). So instead of just looking at rebel side and complaining that shit needs to get more expensive, think of something that changes police economy. Eg increase the prices of taking out vehicles is one example? Maybe start paying for some gear aswell? Oh no you shouldnt pay what am i thinking you guts get RDM'd 24/7. My bad for even thinking about it, forgive me.

Endless circle of ResidentSleeper

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You know it man back in the days when I had 20 mil I still ran around with mk20 now days every guy that has under a mil runs around with mk1... economy is just fucked xd
That sums me up so much, I had 40 mill in my account & only recently do I buy supressors etc. I don't think I even bought an MX until I had like 5 -10 mill, and I would rarely even buy a gun...

Oh no you shouldnt pay what am i thinking you guts get RDM'd 24/7
And rebels aren't?....

The economy certainly needs to be looked at. For some, money just isn't an issue and they can buy whatever they want, which is, in itself, an issue.

As @Tuna said, weapons and gear need to be looked at massively. I was shocked at how cheap some clothing is, especially when you take into consideration how much protection it offers. My only source of income is through the police (I only do runs if there's something really special I want to buy), and the cost for a set of rebel clothing, with the best armour rankings, was covered in one pay-check. That's ridiculously low, and unbalanced.

 Being a rebel should have a significant cost. It's mean to be high reward because of the high risk, not something that everyone who isn't a cop does. You should be worried about bring out your best gear, because you know if you lose it then you'll be set back a decent chunk of your bank account, not having the high end gear as your standard walk around kit. That's where people valuing their in game lives came into it: their gear cost.

The way I see it, there should be three levels to the civilian life:

  1. Law Abiding Citizen

    • Does legal runs
    • Is generally safe, though might be robbed, because the cops look out for them
    • Never going to be super rich, but doesn't spend as much money on gear as criminals and rebels
    • Weapon no bigger than a handgun
  2.  Criminal

    • Earns money by robbing citizens, other criminals, fuel stations/local banks
    • Might do illegal runs to gain a boost, but could be robbed by rebels or arrested by cops
    • Big enough group might try an RBA International robbery
    • Gains money quicker than citizens, but has higher cost for gear
    • Weapon no bigger than 5.56
  3.  Rebel

    • Primary income through illegal runs
    • Might try HM or AR cache, but those jobs cost a lot to set up, and can be a big loss if it doesn't go right
    • Some of the richer people on the island, but also pay more to gear up
    • Can afford most weapons, but need at least one HM or AR win to afford 7.62+ weapons
The thing is it is still a game, and making it so you have to pull of an HM to buy a MK1...That is extreme af and tbh finding people to rob isn't always easy either. I feel like this is way to extreme tbh & Criminal is gas stations & Bank whereas Rebel is HM, AR & International...

The common thing I see in all the posts is make Rebel Gear more expensive & things like that, however every time we die we need to buy a new loadout costing around 250k minimum. Although this is nothing think of how many times you may have to gear up in a restart - 4 or 5 times most likely(If not more). Suddenly that's nearly 1.5 million out, and that isn't factoring out Vehicle charges. Heli gets scrapped - another 300k. Spawning heli - 10k (So around 100-200k a restart depending on what's going on). Just playing on the server for 4 hours will cost a rebel most likely around 2-3 mill if they don't do a run. Most rebels don't bother with runs on the regular & if they don't successfully manage to Rob anything big then all they have done is made a huge loss. 

And after the so called economy revamp that aint happening
Don’t get this bit?

You also forget that police economy is just as much part the server economy aswell
Actually a very valid point the pay checks are high for the Police and while I understand people need the cash for police holiday as you said it is only something someone goes on maybe once every two months. I have always liked the idea of sticking a fee on vehicles/Weapons for police not something massive but like a 20-30k for an MX and have the basic gear for free, this is not something that would be my decision to make though. 

Personally my most enjoyable times on the server was when I was in a gang grinding all day every day, having a laugh and having to defend our runs via RP as not everyone had guns, I have some great memories of roleplaying a full proper prison sentence when people was on trial, instead of immediately read there rights and then sent to prison. Sadly in my view everyone now is way to gun happy which made the server not enjoyable anymore (in my view) everyday I would come on and hear issue's about gunfight, more gunfights etc. People have to much money in the game to care about there gear, they would rather shoot there selves out  of a situation rather then RP. I would 100% Love an Economy restart as i said it was my most enjoyable times on the server and that's what i miss.

And before anyone say's "oh why don't you just get you're money wiped blah etc" it's not the same because obviously other's still have millions and the situation would keep happening 

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Personally my most enjoyable times on the server was when I was in a gang grinding all day every day, having a laugh and having to defend our runs via RP as not everyone had guns, I have some great memories of roleplaying a full proper prison sentence when people was on trial, instead of immediately read there rights and then sent to prison. Sadly in my view everyone now is way to gun happy which made the server not enjoyable anymore (in my view) everyday I would come on and hear issue's about gunfight, more gunfights etc. People have to much money in the game to care about there gear, they would rather shoot there selves out  of a situation rather then RP. I would 100% Love an Economy restart as i said it was my most enjoyable times on the server and that's what i miss.
I get what you mean here but there is always a time for both. I have grinded a hell of a lot to get to the position I currently am(Where I can happily go & gear myself & others up and not notice it missing) & I must admit I am very bored of runs at the moment, so I am not doing them. If I had to go & do 3 weed runs to buy myself a suppressed MX SW or Spar 17 would that really be fun? Spending the price of a Mar 10 on a Spar 17 would cause Rebel activity to deteriorate & if people have been grinding a long time & getting bored of it, what would it do to them. Even someone with 100 mill in their account wouldn't be able to keep gearing up. If I am with people who need money/Just wanna do a run I'm pretty sure all Rebels go & do them.  

I still RP with people but the thing is if someone wants to rob you then that ends in 2 ways.

1) Gunfight 

2) They taking everything

SO why go for the second option when you have a gun/loadout worth 2-300k?. Half the people who try and Rob you won't give you any RP unless you too have a gun out (which is making them hesitant about initiating/taking action). 

@Simon Ross my view point is coming from 3 years of being here, I have been through the grind i have been a rebel, i have been everything I have seen good people and bad people go, and in my view the way it's changed from back then to now, is that people now would rather have gunfights then RP, The amount of RP I had back in the day was amazing compared to now. for example you made the point of robbing people for money and gear etc, I had plenty of time when I've had a pistol and I've played Simon says with a bunch of hobo's and the winner would live and loser would die or they would get money of me etc The amount of possibilities that there are is quite high, however you wouldn't really think it with people now a days as they walk around with there big fat gats on the there back asking for a gunfight, people have the money to back there flaunting of guns, it used to be hiding in the back pack scared to lose your gun and avoid the police unless you;'re doing an HM then that's different 😉 

@Simon Ross my view point is coming from 3 years of being here, I have been through the grind i have been a rebel, i have been everything I have seen good people and bad people go, and in my view the way it's changed from back then to now, is that people now would rather have gunfights then RP, The amount of RP I had back in the day was amazing compared to now. for example you made the point of robbing people for money and gear etc, I had plenty of time when I've had a pistol and I've played Simon says with a bunch of hobo's and the winner would live and loser would die or they would get money of me etc The amount of possibilities that there are is quite high, however you wouldn't really think it with people now a days as they walk around with there big fat gats on the there back asking for a gunfight, people have the money to back there flaunting of guns, it used to be hiding in the back pack scared to lose your gun and avoid the police unless you;'re doing an HM then that's different 😉 
That is why I use the examples of Spar 17 & MX SW(Because they hide in my Backpack). But the sad thing is people don't try to Rob someone & end with a nice long bit of RP & talking etc. Someone will try & Rob someone and will then end with either a gunfight or the other guy losing everything, there is never any in between it seems like. Although the grind can be fun, everyone who has a lot of money has grinded hard & now don't need to. If people wanted to have to grind individually for each weapon they have, they wouldn't have collected such a high bank account & instead no one would have more than 10 mill in their account. No matter how much money you have in your bank though, people still do runs it just depends on the mentality you have that day. One day it is "I wanna come & rob a few rebels xyz", another you might wanna farm/do a few runs & another you might wanna do the HM to kill a few cops. It depends on how people are feeling and tbh I think it is better to be at a stage where you can say that rather than being at a stage where you are like I need to come on & do a few runs before I can go on and do some other rebel activities. 

If you were forced to do a few runs just to be able to get a gun or too, it could deter people away as they know what they are going to have to do first

When I started playing again a few months ago I farmed Blood Diamonds like crazy, however now I have gotten so bored of them that I won't even rob people for the potential money they have gotten. If you have to continuously do runs this would be the mindset you might end up with & then this deters people. I would now much rather do a weed run which has less profit than do a run of Blood because I have overdone them in too much of a short space of time. 

Actually a very valid point the pay checks are high for the Police and while I understand people need the cash for police holiday as you said it is only something someone goes on maybe once every two months. I have always liked the idea of sticking a fee on vehicles/Weapons for police not something massive but like a 20-30k for an MX and have the basic gear for free, this is not something that would be my decision to make though. 
I like this idea im not saying all but some cops do like a gunfight just as much as us rebels do there is no denying that. Maybe make them pay for some gear limit them to what gear they can use i don't know but i think they should feel like they are losing something.

I don't know if people really want an economy reset. I mean just look at Tanoa. Everyone was starting fresh and it was a challenge however, people just went back to Altis where they had all their stuff.

I see the points being raised for an economy reset, and I understand them. However, there are people who have worked hard and invested a lot of their time to get the money they currently have. This is quite a controversial topic to discuss, but some kind of change is required.

What you could do is bump up all the prices for weapons, and make it a very significant difference between each caliber and also take a percentage off of everyone's bank so it would be fair for everyone.

Instead of increasing the cost of weapons why not make it harder to make a lot of money? Decrease the amount of money you get for the HM and decrease the money you get from runs.

Yknow what, as someone who has invested A LOT of time over 3 years into grinding money I believe it has never been a better time to reset the economy!

I agree with @Robbie and others who think that the server has become hardcore cops VS rebels RP rather than what it was intended for; a life server. The two things that come to mind when playing the server now is GTA V and Anarco Capitalism... The point being that rebels can run around boasting huge guns with very little fear of losing them. The police seem absolutely powerless in so many scenarios.

The server is a much tougher place to get started in now than when I joined 3 years ago. Sure, people like me are going to lose a lot of work but I believe it's necessary to restore the server to bring back the life aspect and bring back roleplay. 

I don't know if people really want an economy reset. I mean just look at Tanoa. Everyone was starting fresh and it was a challenge however, people just went back to Altis where they had all their stuff.
The Tanoa Economy system was atrocious though. I would have more than happily continued playing on Tanoa if the levelling system for gear just wasn't there. That was the key factor that put me off as to me Altis life in the beginning was all about putting your money together in order to get a big truck or something so everyone could make more money but that just wasn't possible in Tanoa.

Going to give this a MASIVE +1 would actually give me something to do other then the typical HM, I dont do runs anymore and i barely rob anyone doing runs because i have too much money and i always feel like a dick afterwards, imagine the  server being wiped  and having to grind for all the glorified items and vehicles it would be amazing, even if you try this on server 2 and have server 2 as a test to see if people actually enjoy it or a server 3

Going to give this a MASIVE +1 would actually give me something to do other then the typical HM, I dont do runs anymore and i barely rob anyone doing runs because i have too much money and i always feel like a dick afterwards, imagine the  server being wiped  and having to grind for all the glorified items and vehicles it would be amazing, even if you try this on server 2 and have server 2 as a test to see if people actually enjoy it or a server 3

Reiss has a huge bank, and wouldn't mind losing it all in return for a more meaningful experience.

Us in OG never have to do runs any more, we have all the vehicles we want/need and all the weapons are easily affordable. 

An economy reset would bring everyone back to a level playing field and bring back the sense of pride in purchasing the more expensive things again.

Are we talking a full reset of everyone's license, vehicles, banks and properties or just banks?

I feel like maybe instead of a Whole economy reset there should either be a Vehicle Reset, a Bank reset OR a Percentage of Bank Balance taken but a complete economy reset will potentially kill the server.

Are we talking a full reset of everyone's license, vehicles, banks and properties or just banks?
If there was a full reset(Basically being a new server) members would leave & I don't see why the levels & licenses should change. The members of the community could change. A majority of communities who keep resetting their servers have died off afterwards. Although this is a huge community people might leave to other servers as although they might not be fully fledged rebels on there, they might still have a little bit in the bank and partly set up(Unlike they would be on here as a basic hobo)

I don't think reset is the way to go.

Reason: This community have over 4 years behind it, meaning players who started off here have gotten older during these years.
People who were 16-18 going to school, not doing anything etc are now people who are in Work, starting family, establishing their life etc and in their early/mid 20.

These people logon in the times they can, and those times they want to use what they have worked hard on getting over several years.

So, resetting the economy will make these players play less, they don't have time to grind day in and day out to reach the level they want to be, and this will result in a lot of players stopping to play. I also think that this will lover the average age on this server.

I have been playing places were resets happened on a regular, and its good to keep the playing field leveled, but due to this never being done here, I think this will cause more leavers than gaining players.

Or you could just do it so you keep your licences, vehicles etc but everyone’s balance is reduced to 5-10 mil and then sort out the economy by increasing prices for guns etc so atleast everyone who had money is still left with a decent amount but will still need to start grinding to make up for the changes 
