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E-Tron Speed and Fuel issue.

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Steam ID: 76561199023368377

Character ID: 32344

When did this happen: 04/10/23

Summary: E-Tron Speed and Fuel issue.

Full Description:
I've just purchased the Audi E-Tron and I was quite confused when I tested out the top speed and it ended up to be maxing out at 120 when in real life the car is meant to go 150 odd mph and also on tablets is displayed as 144 top speed. Another issue I found with it is the battery capacity it can only hold 50kWh when I'd assume it should be a lot more. These issues have possibly already been recognised but just encase they haven't I thought I'd make it known.

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Will reject and  let you suggest on the above form. 50kwh is fine as the rate or electricity usage is a lot lower when comparatively compared to a petrol car.

Sorry, either we've been unable to reproduce this bug with enough detail, or its not been considered a bug.
Nevertheless, we appreciate your efforts, please do not be discouraged in submitting new bug reports going forward.​


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