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dzacball (Action: Ban Issued 26/03/2015)

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Well-known member
Manchester, England, UK
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):


Time & Date this happened:

19:05 25th March 2015

Which Server did this happen on:

I think it may have been server 2, but I'm not 100% on that, been on both servers today.

Description of what happened:

I had just stolen a red truck boxer and was taking it to the Chop Shop South East of Kavala. When I got there, there was a helicopter and I saw a guy running for cover in the nearby trees. So I decided to go for a little drive, then I heard/saw the helicopter flying away from the Chop Shop, so I did a U-turn and went back to the chop shop. When getting near the chop shop I realise the helicopter is coming back, so I sell the truck boxer and make a run for it. While running up the hill I get shot at and wounded, I carry on for a bit then I get taken out. All this without any kind of role-play.

I believe there were five players involved(including dzacball) in this event, but dzacball is the one that killed me.

What Rule Was Broken ?:

3B) RDM - Random Death Match Definition:

Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:

No Sorry, I think its best it's put on the forum anyway, because he has four other people to confirm his side of the event and I only have me. So I thought it be best to post video evidence, now if dzacball or his friends have footage of the event I wouldn't mind seeing it.

Please post video evidence/screenshots here:


well this is ugly from your point of view, that's for sure.. but I don't understand how come i can't hear my mates yelling at you to stop. i heard them from the chopper..(not through teamspeak) there were actually 5 of us, we just sold a hummingbird. when you "went for a little drive", 3 of us started running after you on the road, and I started chasing you as co-pilot with a pilot friend. when you decided to make the Uturn, we turned back as well, and my mates started yelling at you (for example the one guy at 1:54, who was still at the same spot after you U-turned). i was also yelling when we landed at 3:30, and I had the strong suspicion that you heard us all the time, since you started running into the void right after you sold the truck.

since there were five of us around, and we've been chasing you for minutes, and you were running away, I wouldn't exactly call it an RDM, but I really dont understand, how come i cant hear us speaking to you on the recording. I dont have a recording, since at the time, none of us felt that it should be recorded.

my mates are still sleeping, so let's give them some time to input their part of the story.

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I've been messing around with my audio settings in arma3 config, just to realize that direct communication audio cannot be separately muted so you should have heard my mates yelling... I honestly don't understand. i'm more than ready to compensate you, but then again, if you stopped, we would have never killed you in the first place. i think you must have at least suspected that we were after you.

 I'm sorry, i was causing the misunderstanding here, since i was accidently speaking on side chat instead of direct communication. This can be seen around 2:00 in the posted video.
After i did so, i told dzacball and my friends, that they could engage, since he didn't stop.
My ingame name is [stalker] Dani
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Thanks for sharing your points of view, now I don't want compensating and I'm not ready bothered that I died, for me it was that there seemed to be no role-play.

I can assure you if I would of heard you or your friends telling me to stop, I would of stopped because I value the life of my character.

Now, running up the hill once I sold a vehicle is something I always do. Plus the fact that you guys had come back, made me think you had come to rob me. Now since form my point of view I wasn't told to stop or to put my hands up, I believe I had the right to run and not get shot at.

Now after hearing your point of view, I am starting to think that this was just a messed up event, with you and your friends trying to role-play from or near one of the loudest vehicles in the game. Now as you can see I have my ear plugs in, and the helicopter is still vey loud compared to the vehicle I'm driving.

Ok, [stalker] Dani, I can see you were speaking in side chat, we have all done it at one point or another. Now I don't know if you were in the helicopter or not, but I believe even if you would have spoken in direct chat, I wouldn't of heard you because of the sound of my vehicle and the helicopter together may of drown it out. And if you were in the helicopter, I think you were too far away for me to hear if you would of spoken in direct chat.

Well I would like to thank you for not turning this player report into a bitch fight.

Now I would like to give you some advice if that ok. First I wouldn't role-play in direct chat if in or near a helicopter with its engine on, because the other play(s) may not hear you like in this instant. Secondly looking at the gear you and your friends have/had, looks like you do a lot of gun play, so I would recommend that you record at all times, so you can use the footage, if something like this happens again.

I would like to withdraw this player report. And if an Admin can please lock this thread, I would be very grateful.

And thank you for reading :)

Ban Issued

Its your responsibility to make sure you are in direct chat, if your not in direct chat then its RDM.

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