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Dumb ways to die, Kavala edition.


Well-known member
Hey guys,

So today when the server was desyncing a little I decided to make the most of the mayhem and go on a mini adventure/ quest.

I hope you enjoy the outcome :).

Many thanks to the lovely guys at TKC for the Inspiration!!


P.S, Best in 720p

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If you can dream it,  You can achieve it.  

If I achieve success I'll make sure to post a sequel ;-)

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Why do I smell a Altislife challenge coming our way?

Btw, that was amazing!  :D

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So basically it all started with .. "Hey guys you wanna see something cool?" and ended with Sycorax, Shadow & me ramming a House with full speed .. 

Or .. "Don't worry I got this." and guess what? Ramming a House with full speed ..

It continues like that .. many times. :D

So basically it all started with .. "Hey guys you wanna see something cool?" and ended with Sycorax, Shadow & me ramming a House with full speed .. 

Or .. "Don't worry I got this." and guess what? Ramming a House with full speed ..

It continues like that .. many times. :D
The trick failed, if only you knew!!...

So basically it all started with .. "Hey guys you wanna see something cool?" and ended with Sycorax, Shadow & me ramming a House with full speed .. 

Or .. "Don't worry I got this." and guess what? Ramming a House with full speed ..

It continues like that .. many times. :D

We did do a few very nice flips!!
