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Drug Rounds


Well-known member
Gruppe 6
I thought this was a good idea, I posted it on another suggestion relating to binman wages - thought I'd give it a proper thread to see what people think.

The sale of drugs to locals is tiresome and confined to such small areas that it doesn't leave much creativity for RP and good interactions - its usually limited to;

1) You sell your drugs and make money
2) You get approached by a police officer and arrested
3) You get approached by another crim/gang and robbed

2 and 3 have the potential to lead to RP, but more often than not it feels like the same repeated drill.

I suggest that groups of crims/gangs can mix things up a bit and complete 'drug rounds'.

It would be very similar to combining both the food delivery and bin runs.

The groups would then complete a round of drop off's to various house doors around the city, delivering drugs and making a profit - but it wouldn't be as straight forward.

Some drops could be intercepted by police via intel (like their pop ups when a crime is happening) for example:

You are currently on drop 6 of 15, but drop 7 is going to be an intel drop, the moment crims complete drop 6 - police are notified that there is about to be a drug deal at location 7, the crims are not aware that it's an intel drop throughout - it's then a race to the drop location where police can arrest the NPC, voiding the opportunity to sell to that NPC, or the crims can make it their before the police and get the sale. Although with this, there is now a chance that a car full of gang members will be confronted by police, leading to a chase, arrest, fight, whatever.

Other drops could be 'set up's' by NPC criminals - once you have spoken to the NPC at the location a few more appear and become hostile with either small arms or melee weapons - do the crims drive off, or do they risk fighting back and potentially getting injured or shots being called into the police? Maybe there is a chance for the NPC's to drop an amount of cash, or in rare occasions maybe some ammo - giving a reason to potentially stay and fight rather than just speed off.

Another interesting dynamic is that you could bump into an opposing group whilst out, as the drops are not confined to the existing areas for dealing. For example:

Your gang is currently not on good terms with Grove - but one of the drops on your route is in the middle of groves area of influence, you now need to make the drop with a bit of thought attached to it, you could drive straight into Grove Street and risk confrontation, or you could park up nearby and maybe hop some garden fences, a more stealthy approach.

This could also be a great opportunity to expand the use of other drugs than simply selling mainly coke or if finds won't permit, just weed. Creating more risk for the dealers - if your round is 30 drops, you can't simply keep 30 bags of coke on you, to do it effectively, you'll need 30 coke, 30 weed, 30 meth as you're not sure on which product each NPC is after until you reach them.
Making the other drugs more relevant will absolutely lead to more RP and maybe each whitelisted gang can have a speciality drug.

Lost - Meth
Ballas - Weed
Grove - Coke
Cutlass - Heroin

In my vision of this suggestion, you may well be shut out in RP from a certain gang with no opportunity of buying their product, so if this happens, you should be able to purchase "low grade [insert drug name]" from the NPC that initiates the round and this should then result in a financial penalty, as the buyer won't pay over a certain amount due to the poor quality, this will prevent the rounds being soft locked by RP standing with a group - but if you're getting into wars or conflict with every group - you're then selling a lot of low grade.

Groups should be no more than 4.

The round could be open to anyone to attempt, but I think that if the participants are from whitelisted gangs, they are forced to be in colours - otherwise everyone could just be blacked out and it becomes pointless.

Not sure if police currently have a team dedicated to drugs, but this could also open an opportunity for a bespoke drug team.

To confirm - I don't think this should replace the existing methods of selling drugs, I think the areas should remain, but I'm confident something like this would be a great addition to the server.

This is just an idea, I'm not sure of how much dev work would be created from this, but I'd imagine its a lot. Keen to hear peoples thoughts though.
Big +1

I recall this being in the works a year or two ago, to where each whitelisted group had their own "thing". Whether it was to do with drugs, money or weapons. Would bring a fresh feel and rp to the crim side for sure.
So much potential for this big +1 for my favourite bin crew man