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Dropping items


Professional Stunt Driver
somewhere over the rainbow
Disclaimer "Any opinion given by myself is my own and not a staff opinion"

So recently i have seen an influx off people complaining about the following situation,

You (from here on out refered to as "the robber") have decided to go and rob another player (from here on out refered to as "the Victim")
The robber points a firearm or other weapon at the victim and informs him or her to drop there weapons.
At this point the victim drops a random item out of there inventory wich will appear on the floor as a box.
The robber then walks up to the box and interacts with it to then get killed by the weapon the victim was supposed to drop instead of the random item they did.

Now i myself think this is rather stupid.
"IRL" the victim couldnt possibly hide what he or she is putting into a carton box to then place it on the floor.

My suggestion is as follows:

Add a script that basically does /me drops "name of item"

this will trigger for people within a range determained by the devteam and will ensure that "The Robber" can actually see whats being dropped.


1.    No more speedfolding boxes.
2.    makes robbers less suspisios and less trigger happy because they can see whats being dropped.
3.    it honestly just makes sense.

1.    makes the server more robber friendly.
2.    Requires Dev work

Please keep this post clear and reply only if you have anything to add or are willig to explain your +1 or -1
What happens in a situation where they say "DROP EVERYTHING"? As /me s start overlapping after 3 messages in short time.
What happens in a situation where they say "DROP EVERYTHING"? As /me s start overlapping after 3 messages in short time.
He mentioned within a certain range, up to dev discretion, Im also assuming that there would be some form of cooldown in relation to the message being displayed
What happens in a situation where they say "DROP EVERYTHING"? As /me s start overlapping after 3 messages in short time.
possibly make the time its displayed shorter and adding some sort of spam protection
also be smarter as robber, its hard to see whats dropped on the floor if its done all at once.
+1, this needs to be changed! Different items should have different boxes when placed on the floor, for example: weapons and guns should have a “gun case” box or even a military box when dropped onto the floor.
+1, this needs to be changed! Different items should have different boxes when placed on the floor, for example: weapons and guns should have a “gun case” box or even a military box when dropped onto the floor.
This is good, however it would defiently pull a lot of assets, consider how many people could be getting robbed at once, this would affect server performance, a /me that lasts for so long is proabably most appropriate.
+1, this needs to be changed! Different items should have different boxes when placed on the floor, for example: weapons and guns should have a “gun case” box or even a military box when dropped onto the floor.
This is good, however it would defiently pull a lot of assets, consider how many people could be getting robbed at once, this would affect server performance, a /me that lasts for so long is proabably most appropriate.
I do agree with @Eze
I am against this for the simple fact that i would see this 100% be buggy as fuck and people would be able to see /me's trough walls so imagine if for example someone was moving materials from a safe and someone was outside your safehouse they would be able to see the /me's dropping materials etc... (this dont simply apply to safes i am just giving an example on how the /me mechanic is buggy and can be seen trough walls).
Does the suggestion make sense, yes but to be completely honest i don't think its a big deal or something that is really needed and in my opinion would cause more problems or bugs than solutions i think the robbing system currently is fine as it is if you wanna rob someone its better to do it in groups of 2 doing it on your ones you should expect some retaliation.
I am against this for the simple fact that i would see this 100% be buggy as fuck and people would be able to see /me's trough walls so imagine if for example someone was moving materials from a safe and someone was outside your safehouse they would be able to see the /me's dropping materials etc... (this dont simply apply to safes i am just giving an example on how the /me mechanic is buggy and can be seen trough walls)
hense having it at a shorter range limit
hense having it at a shorter range limit
Yes but then that would limit the other /me's that are RP based and regardless if its close to wall it will still be enough range to see it unless you reduce to whisper range but even that imo don't accomplish much or worth making a big deal of it that just what i think don't get me wrong the suggestion makes sense but it would only work properly if it actually showed the props you droped instead of a box which is imo unfortunately not on the cards since it would probably create massive lag.
I think the situation you described in the suggestion is very focused on 1 vs 1 robberies which should inherit the risk of the other individual retaliating so its a very specific situation which imo don't happen as often as it used to and if it does it mostly ends with one dead anyway because most people know that 1 vs 1 robberies dont go well.
I quite like the idea! but my only concern would be it could possibly end up affecting other scenarios, much like Bmav said, while people shouldnt abuse it there is always people that will, I think another issue is reducing the range could work but then you're causing another issue of, say some person has a knife you want them to drop so you dont get poked, you now have to get closer to them to be able to see the text of what they dropped putting you in stabbing range defeating the point of the feature XD.

I do also feel while its a small change its definetely a change that could cause more issues than benefits, its a very niche issue and i feel the risk of that happening comes with robbing people but it could open up more issues with people breaking common sense abusing the /me info to rob people when they realistically shouldnt have seen what someone dropped, potentially harming rp situations. If theres a way it can be done that avoids these issues then absolutely +1 the idea of having different boxes like Steve mentioned could work quite well but it could also affect server performance.
I like the suggestion. On the other hand idk if the script for the /me's would be the best idea, maybe some sort of default prop to indicate what kind of Item was dropped, for example if a pistol is dropped a pistol prop is placed on the ground if a SMG is placed on the ground an SMG prop is placed down (in replace of the boxes).

Same could go with food, cooked food could show as idk, a steak just for an example, and fruits and whatnot could show as whatever they are, This would sadly I think be a LOT of hassle to implement, but in the perfect world every item would show as that item when dropped cause that would be the most realistic thing, Too many times have I seen clips of people dropping £1 then pulling out a pistol or weapon to win the unwinnable fight.

Overall I +1 this

After typing all that I hadn't realised Steve basically said the same thing RIP.
+1, this needs to be changed! Different items should have different boxes when placed on the floor, for example: weapons and guns should have a “gun case” box or even a military box when dropped onto the floor.
Feel as if people are heavily focused on the amount of items that could be displayed that are being dropped, you could just limit this to weapons. Guns/Melees, this would address the complaints of the number of /me that would be appearing in these situations.

The suggestion is here to combat the fact that people drop things like smoothies and say it’s a gun just to get an advantage over the robber which shouldn’t be the case irl as you would see what they would drop, since it’s a game and you don’t want it affecting rp or people just filling storages, restricting the /me to dangerous weapons would be ideal as it would combat this.