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Does the admin decide if i have a brother or not?

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Active member
So basicly the admin has the choice of me having a brother or not, cause yeah none has a sibling that plays games together must be impossible.

So i guess i dont have a brother following to the admins you guys must have proof that i dont have a brother, cause i live with this guy that came out my mom.

guess its just weirdness!

Your mom and your dad have the choice to give you a brother or not, not the admins.
well apprntly i dont have a brother following to arrogantbread he say's im lying im pretty sure this guy that looks like me in my house is my brother not sure what he is then

Man listen no need to make a post, he didnt accuse you of not having a brother for all we know you could have 50brothers however he explained that in your unban, your story you provided "Stinks" and that the excuse "My brother did it" dosent work here on the server. He didnt metion anything about you not having a brother. No need to make post regarding your unban either.

He was nice enough to give you the chance to redo you unban appeal aswell, so you can explain better.

" If you can provide proof of your claims please open a new appeal in 5 days  "

Think yourself lucky.

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Man listen no need to make a post, he didnt accuse you of not having a brother for all we know you could have 50brothers however he explained that in your unban, your story you provided "Stinks" and that the eccuse "My brother did it" dosent work here on the server. He didnt metion anything about you not having a brother. No need to make post regarding your unban either.
still its the truth he doesnt have any proof himsel that my brother dind do anything. why the fuck would i even spend 60 euros extra to just play on a server. that would be 120 euro's to just play on altis life thats stupid..

Don't have an attitude about it, write an unban appeal that is somewhat more believable and if you do have a brother make him write it and teach him not to break the rules, very simple stuff really. Also if you do have a shared account it's always good to tell an admin BEFORE anything happens.

[SIZE=medium](12.5) Using status updates to talk about or discuss bans will first lead to a warning point then if that continues a second warning point with a 7 day posting restriction[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium] [/SIZE]

No, we don't decide whether you have a brother or not. We do, however, decide whether or not to believe if you have a brother or not.


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