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Dirt McGirt

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Me (BenPortas) and my mate zxdc8 held up a guy in Agios with rp and told him to put his hands up. We had guns pointed at him and when we weren't looking he pulled out a gun and shot my mate; I killed him as he didn't kill my mate and then we started to lockpick his truck. 30 seconds later he runs straight back (NLR) and hops in the truck and drives away. A bit later he sees us in the road and ploughs straight into us (we tried to run off-road to avoid him but he didn't stop (VDM)) He then gets shot by us when he fails to get out of his car after we shot his wheels out and spoke in direct to him and runs back to us twice more with in the next 5 minutes (breaking NLR twice more). Unfortunately I do not have evidence of the NLR however have a rather disturbing screenshot of the VDM incident and he also wasn't very nice in side chat. I hope this guy can be put to a halt as he doesn't seem to care about any rules. Thanks :)    After this I have realised I have an image of him as a fresh spawn running back to us and me lockpicking his truck. 

Not sure if its me or not but It wont let me upload an image via a url (loads forever) so I'll post them here with the correct caption if that's ok :)

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=486962317   = Breaking the NLR (I know it doesn't show much but I guess it could help some way)

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=486962355   = Me lockpicking the guys truck

http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/440575990507724102/6B20F622A2B70F3772A88C48BF06EA398311DD54/    = Me and zxdc8 (my mate) being VDM'ed by him 

Ik these screenshots aren't perfect but I guess there's some way the admins could check if that's his truck or where he was at that time or even ask him about it tbh :)  

FFS forgot about the template... :/ this is stupidly long now I appoligise but I'm trying my best :(

Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Dirt mcGirt
Time & Date this happened:    22:47 23/07/15
Which Server did this happen on: Server 2
Description of what happened:Above but VDM and lots of broken NLR
What Rule Was Broken ?:VDM and NLR
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: I sent him a message but no reply (used //) and he was mocking people in side
Please post video evidence/screenshots here Above sorry about this.
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
I went back to discuss what had happened. Granted I shouldn't have.
The VDM was much later on, and they both had guns pointed at the truck sitting in the center of the road in Agios.. I did run them over, but stopped after only to be shot. I accepted the situation that had happened.. I'm willing to discuss anything needed.. 

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Well surely there needs to be some sort of solution to this but it's great that you accept what you have done wrong at least :)

Oh and to discuss what had happened? You hoped in the truck and drove straight off and then when you got killed for the second time in agios by us you respawned straight back twice more? 

I am in the wrong, I can't deny that. 
But you make me out to be somebody who follows no rules and just pisses on everyone's chips.
I came back the first time not fully understanding the NRL rule, after a quick discussion in side chat I came back with the truck through Agios.. Where I knew you were.. I was being shot at and didn't stop in time to subsequently run you both over.. 
I came back after that and took my truck when none of you were around and that had long been past 15 mins.

But as I said, I wen't back the first time and I did get in the truck, ( even though I could easily deny it with the insufficient evidence to show me actually any wrong doing ) and I'll accept what ever you want.. 

Slightly weird way to put it but as that's the first time I've seen you in game it does look like that. 2 rules broken in about 15 minute time period.

Btw I'm not sure what discussion you had in side chat but it wasn't with me or zxdc8 as it is not a meant to be used for rp purposes.

Didn't stop in time...? If you could see us in the middle of the road I'm well aware of how strong the handbrake is on those trucks and at your speed probably would have made you swerve. We tried to run off the road (shown in my screenshot we are near the edge and my mate is off the road) showing that you made no attempt to swerve rather you directly went straight into us I'm not stupid. Btw if you do die that's a new life so you shouldn't of had any reason to be annoyed and to try and run us both over anyway. Yeah maybe after we logged off but while we were with your truck within about 5 mins of the VDM incident which had resulted in us shooting and killing you you ran back twice more as a fresh spawn.

I'm saying to you I used side to discuss the NRL not any ingame RP.. Then coming back to hand the truck over, which I even said in side.. (I know its breaking RP because I've died.. but the situation warranted it)  which you responded with pointing guns in the middle of the road at me, yes I did run you over. No not out of malice. But take it how you want.. 
As I've said, I'm in the wrong.. you're making it out to be much worse than it is.. But I'll take what ever is decided, I'm not here to argue with people.

Not to be nit picky...
but this is a post on an appeal to get yourself unbanned...

"Yes I didn't kill him. I'm not saying that I didn't commit RDM though and yes I have now I've read all of the server rules fully through twice  I seriously am sorry though for any damage caused." 

Yet you're pushing so hard for me not understanding a rule, to which I attempted to rectify?
I'm telling you I was in the wrong for what I did. Why are you being such a hard ass.. I'm not going around ruining peoples experiences.

Come to teamspeak, we can talk there... I'm happy to resolve anything.

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Oh mate come on. You know that post you're on about? That's in the approved list from days ago -_- when There was an incident with me and a police officer. I am not currently banned and have not committed any offences to get my self re banned since so no this isn't. Mate as I would know it's not me that will punish you the admins take VDM and NLR very seriously.  Tell me you're in the wrong all you like I have no control over what happens with you. I am just a player not a mentor or admin etc. (BTW we weren't pointing guns at you we had the unholstered and turned because we saw a massive orange truck ploughing towards us making no attempt to stop.

Can't believe you went on my profile looking for stuff and you bring up an approved unban request from 5 days ago...

This is utterly pointless going back and forth here, I'm in ts if you want to talk.
Steph has told me I have to resolve it with you, and I'm more than willing to.

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I'm just pointing out the premise isn't far different from the situation you were in. It wasn't meant to shame you or like HA I GOT YOU..

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