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DiggeryDbad & f X y (Action: Bans Issued 02/03/2015)

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SPC Rick Mason

Active member
Istanbul & NYC
Name of the Person You are Reporting: DiggeryDbad & f X y

Time and Date: 27/02/2015 Around 7PM

Server: Altislife.co.uk #1

Description: As seen on the video, player named f X y lured us into an RDM trap, saying that he needed help. I tried to RP as much as possible, told him to stop and put his hands up but he didn't comply. My friend ( [EN]Honda ) and I followed him to the bushes where his friends were waiting for us. They instantly opened fire on us, killing us without a trace of RP. They never warned us or even talked to us.

Ps. I just saw a post by TI Ben also complaining about an RDM from f X y. I believe that they are operating as a gang to RDM people.

What Rule Was Broken?: Rule 5: Rest of Altis

RDM = Ban if no role-play, Remember this is a serious roleplay community therefore shooting people on sight with no roleplay is RDM, engage in roleplay at all times.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes, I have sent him messages to his mobile in game, but he never replied me. I told him that I wanted a compensation for me and my friend, he just ignored. 

The incident begins around 8:50
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We are not operating as a gank to RDM ppl. If this would have been from your friends aspect you would have heard that i yelld that you both will die. and he kept coming towards my hideout so we killed you just like we said we would.. 

We are not operating as a gank to RDM ppl. If this would have been from your friends aspect you would have heard that i yelld that you both will die. and he kept coming towards my hideout so we killed you just like we said we would.. 
That explains why there are multiple reports on the forum for you guys. Video is clear, you warned no one. My friend was even further away from me so there is NO WAY that he could've heard anything you said. If you were honest about this you would've replied my in game messages for a compensation, as I specifically told you that I would not report you if you would just compensate me.

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Well your friend was like 10m away from me so if i couldnt hear me he would be deaf.. And you did not send us any msg at all.. Next time make sure to fucking send a msg

Well your friend was like 10m away from me so if i couldnt hear me he would be deaf.. And you did not send us any msg at all.. Next time make sure to fucking send a msg
I did send several messages to Diggery, please stop posting here, this post is not to discuss this with you. It is for the admins to decide.

I'm going to accept this.. there's no way of knowing this situation, there was no warning or threat to kill audible. It's just crap RP that COULD of been great RP.

awaiting action

74f0c3974d54a50bc11a2618dbad3244 -1 DiggeryDbad - Forum Report 02/03/2015

6fd05a9b4bf1686599a815571002ce17 -1 F X Y - Forum Report 02/03/2015 < Already banned in another report today

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