Since 1.26 a vast number of servers including our very own KOTH server has been experiencing some very interesting to say the least desync moments.
There are a number of open tickets on the arma tracker heres one for example -
Seeing the issue seems to be around when the server hits 80+ players today from 4pm we will be trailing 70 slots.
With this in mind within the next few hours we will work on bringing server 2 online.
For now this is a temporary test in hope for a temporary fix.
There are a number of open tickets on the arma tracker heres one for example -
Seeing the issue seems to be around when the server hits 80+ players today from 4pm we will be trailing 70 slots.
With this in mind within the next few hours we will work on bringing server 2 online.
For now this is a temporary test in hope for a temporary fix.