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December 2015 Newsletter

I would so to be don't panic  about this system we will deal with everyone case by case and we are able to make exceptions on accounts to stop this happening again if we feel it's a honest situation.

When are the new position posts going up @Wilcoi can't bbe the only one who's dyingggg to apply haha

Congratz to Fuel being on the team! Just make sure you still have time for LCN ;)

Hello there anyone know of the time frame the applications will open , im currently crusing and get wifi like 1 every 5 days.

I come back on monday next week , is that  too late do ( hopefully not)

Either way have a great chrismas :)

- Hoggie

Hello there anyone know of the time frame the applications will open , im currently crusing and get wifi like 1 every 5 days.

I come back on monday next week , is that  too late do ( hopefully not)

Either way have a great chrismas :)

- Hoggie
It's normally open for a week+ I think mate!

Removing @Steph from the admin panel in my "opinion" not a good decision from you guys but hey im just a player here. Punishing her because she trusted the wrong people is unjust, but as said just an opinion if im not allowed one here then feel free to remove my comment.
Sorry, it's not your place to judge nor did we asked for your opinion.

This is a newsletter, not a place to judge our decisions.

You can always PM me, Wilco or any staff member to show us your opinion, doing it here is pointless.

Great plans for the future of Aluk

Been here since December 2014, and seen this community florish on a monthly basis. 

Glad to be a devoted player and member of this community

Cant wait for TanoaLife to come, if it is stilled planned.

New Postions sounds great, but I never got my invitation. But my spirit and patience prevails as usual. 

New Positions!

We are currently looking for a Forum moderator & an in-game mod, We will be making a post in the coming days along with an application form so look out for that!
Is there any chance of developer slots opening anytime soon?

What do you need to know to be a developer on this server? Like what programming languages are you needed to know?

  • The developer should have at least some experience with the RV4 engine, as well as it's scripting language SQF.
  • General Programming Knowledge
  • Able to work under deadlines
  • Able to manage time effectively and efficiently
Good to have:

  • An open mind to peoples ideas.
  • A good work ethic
  • Able to work with Version Control software, such as GIT
  • Able to work with Continuous Integration software, such as Jenkins CI.


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  • The developer should have at least some experience with the RV4 engine, as well as it's scripting language SQF.
  • General Programming Knowledge
  • Able to work under deadlines
  • Able to manage time effectively and efficiently
Good to have:

  • An open mind to peoples ideas.
  • A good work ethic
  • Able to work with Version Control software, such as GIT
  • Able to work with Continuous Integration software, such as Jenkins CI.
Ty sir!

so does this mean i can't use the forums on my phone when i am out and about (don't want to get banned). What am i supposed to do when i am supposed to be paying attention in college now 

so does this mean i can't use the forums on my phone when i am out and about (don't want to get banned). What am i supposed to do when i am supposed to be paying attention in college now 
I've been using the forums whilst out and about so I wouldn't worry too much mate!

The thing on my mind is that is there going to be a wipe? I keep hearing rumours of a wipe from loads of different people because I sit in a public room on TeamSpeak but I've not found anything official on the forums so would like to have it confirmed?

Also, congrats to Fuel on the new position and well done to all of the team working on the new framework, I'm sure it's going to be amazing, I can't wait to play it!

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The thing on my mind is that is there going to be a wipe? I keep hearing rumours of a wipe from loads of different people because I sit in a public room on TeamSpeak but I've not found anything official on the forums so would like to have it confirmed?

Also, congrats to Fuel on the new position and well done to all of the team working on the new framework, I'm sure it's going to be amazing, I can't wait to play it!
No one knows besides senior admins/devs. So whatever you are hearing is people chatting shit.

Neo offered the police force to contact him with any rumours regarding not the framework, so possibly he could deny or confirm some rumours you've heard ( or he may just say I'm not telling ) but don't listen to most of what people say, it's like a game of Chinese whispers!

@Wilco ..........when are the new positions getting annouced? hahahaha im refreshing this page a million times a day haha
