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Kyle Racoon

Active member

i suggest it be changed to 2 weeks so its not too long but its enough for others to get use out of them, with them breaking so quickly its unrealistic and should be changed in my opinion. 

what does everyone think? 

pros - its a little more realistic, there is an incentive to attempt to kidnap a cop or rob them. 

cons - little dev time to change decay timings

officers with firearms in the UK are ALWAYS double crewed to prevent robberies etc this could be implemented to prevent robberies/ kidnappings etc 

just trying to make it more realistic and create incentives to attempt new things. 

-1 Already the RP is pretty poor from G6 side with a lot of bait dispatches to the key store and a rushed "Hands up drop your gun" when we don't always carry guns on us.

Just tonight alone I was held up by 3 individuals who were insistant on me dropping my gun, taser, bean bag launcher, and ammo. Told them multiple times all I have on my is my nightstick but they continued to ask for my gun until I told them to search me and they finally ran off realising I don't have a gun on me and it was locked away in the weapons locker.

-1 Vending machine RP, isn't RP. There is a good reason for the decline in guns on the server and its become a lot more enjoyable for actual gang RP, police and everyone else now the constant gunplay has declined.

more incentive to rob the police and G6 no thankyou, enough people rob us all already let alone making it more desirable, i unfortunately don't see this bringing more RP i see it boosting more shitty RP like this >  Hands up - don't panic - drop your shit -  Bang - dump - repeat

The 1 day decay is terrible by design, its supposed to be terrible. In the past 4 days just being around the city and socializing I've seen 5 smgs and 8 pistols and at the motel DAILY we hear ATLEAST 1 gunfight. -1 The server doesn't in my opinion need more guns and vending machine rp theres enough of that already extending the decay just gives even more incentive to resort to boring vending machine rp for an easy gun that then just adds to the fire.

The 1 day decay is terrible by design, its supposed to be terrible. In the past 4 days just being around the city and socializing I've seen 5 smgs and 8 pistols and at the motel DAILY we hear ATLEAST 1 gunfight. -1 The server doesn't in my opinion need more guns and vending machine rp theres enough of that already extending the decay just gives even more incentive to resort to boring vending machine rp for an easy gun that then just adds to the fire.
I agree I think we need to have less Guns 

I was going to write a lengthy reply but I think everyone above have given enough reason as to not implement this however I will reiterate some points mentioned above.

- Vending machine meta: We have had a large problem prior with mainly police constantly being robbed for their gear with mostly rather low quality roleplay. This had a big impact on the police as alot of police didnt want to log on and actually play the server.

- Too many guns: As you know we introduced decay to weapons in an attempt to reduce the general amount of guns available. That said we dont need more guns and by extension dont need police weapons to be more accessible.

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