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Dealership changes

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Every shop has a landline, if an employee is in the store then id assume someone would pick up the phone, if you so happen to know an employee at any dealership that's a luxury thing as you have a direct connection with said person in RP. However if you don't know any of the employee's on a personal level it makes no sense that you would be calling someone's private phone number, however it makes perfect sense for you to call the landline of the shop an enquire about what is is you want to buy. 

(This is my personal opinion and NOT the opinion of staff)
Yeah i understand thats why i mentioned about the potential for spam message/calls. Is the landline number displayed in the store or is this only mentioned on tweedle?

Does the landline only accept phone calls? if so your not able to show interest in vehicle as you could be phoning when no one is around which may lead to a lose of sale to another dealership. 

@Chris McCaini seen your suggestion and have already upvoted very good idea 

Yeah i understand thats why i mentioned about the potential for spam message/calls. Is the landline number displayed in the store or is this only mentioned on tweedle?

Does the landline only accept phone calls? if so your not able to show interest in vehicle as you could be phoning when no one is around which may lead to a lose of sale to another dealership. 

@Chris McCaini seen your suggestion and have already upvoted very good idea 
No the number is not displayed anywhere apart from when the shop itself displays the number on Tweedle via a post, if you was to show any interest you would have to ring or go to the dealership in person. 

PS: I have put a suggestion up about some Graphic Changes iv requested for my shop, on the new graphic I have in mind the dealerships number would be included on the main store front. 

(This is my personal opinion and NOT the opinion of staff)

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Unfortunately this is not a popular suggestion, therefore it will be rejected.

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