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Dealership Changes | Max Sale Price, Auctions, Re-Stock Amounts


Elite Donator
Los Santos Police
Brief Summary:
This will be a multi-part suggestion based around the dealerships and massive unbalance in the car market.

Detailed Suggestion:

Something I’ve been thinking about for a while now, but with the market progressively getting worse and worse I thought I’d throw up a suggestion and get others thoughts on it. This suggestion will be broken down into multiple different things I think will help re-balance the car market and stop absurd sale prices.

Maximum Sale Price
Before the dealership update, before there was sales people required and you bought cars at the front desk, there was always a max sale price you could set. I think it was 20% profit if I remember correctly, so say 100k import cost you could sell for 120k. I really think this is something that should be reintroduced, although possibly allow for a higher % of profit, I’d say 50% of the import cost is reasonable. This would mean sale prices are much more in line with the import cost for the businesses, for example;

Import: £100,000, Sale Price: £150,000
Import: £500,000, Sale Price: £750,000
Import: £1,000,000, Sale Price: £1,500,000

There's a lot of reasons I think this would benefit the majority of the player base, but the main reason is the massively inflated economy right now, especially with sports and super cars. A few examples of this;

Itali GTO, £168,000 to import, used to sell for £192,000, now selling for I think £2,500,000 or more at times
Tyrant, not sure of the import price, used to sell for £1,400,000, now selling for £2,000,000

There is obviously many more examples of this, but I think I'd be here all night listing them... there has been no changes to these vehicles, the dealership owners have simply decided to put the price up and make this even more difficult for people to obtain, which I believe is now having a negative effect on the player base, because it forces people to spend more time grinding and less time roleplay. Now essentially unless you want to grind constantly, these cars will not be achievable to most players. If a player actually wants to pursue some kind of roleplay instead of being a bin man for 12 hours a day, how are they ever expected to be able to buy these vehicles now? Taking into account people who play the server to roleplay certain roles, NHS members get paid £840 at their lowest rank, Police Officers get paid £960, with the prices just going up and up with no real sense to it, these players who prioritise roleplay simple won't be able to enjoy that side of the server.

By re-introducing the maximum sale price to dealerships, it forces some regulation to the market and allows prices to remain fair.

After talking to some people about this, even super cars that aren't auction vehicles right now the price changes constantly through the month. So person 1 buys a car for 1.5m, they charge the next person 1.6m and so on until their stock for the month runs out, the car isn't worth any more, it's simply being sold for more out of greed.

Now I know people will say there was always auction vehicles, and that is true, however it was 1 vehicle being auctioned per dealership if even that, and they were actually special vehicles. These were Ferraris etc… and there was very few of them, the auctions were done for roleplay and for the hopes of owning one, but since they disappeared there’s now several supercars that were previously buyable have been made auction vehicles.

There’s nothing special about these cars and they are purely auction only for the sake of making loads more money from them. In my opinion, it makes absolutely no sense that these cars are being auctioned for insanely inflated prices. I’d understand it if they were rare, like the cars the Firm have been auctioning recently where it actually makes more sense because they are rare vehicles, they haven’t sold any of those vehicles for about a year and are now auctioning one of them, or even take the Draugur at Beekers, it’s been here for about 9 months and there’s been 4 auctioned, that’s a special vehicle, same idea as the SM722 that Mosleys auction it makes sense.

I’m not suggesting auctions stop, but what I am suggesting is that these 'auction vehicles' are put under regulations from the Chamber of Commerce. Now I know everyone will say the CoC are already overworked and undermanned, which yes is true but they've recently just gotten more people, and really deciding if a vehicle can be auctioned or not doesn't require any dev work, shouldn't require management approval etc... it should be a fairly simple and fast decision I'd imagine. All I am suggesting is that the CoC meet Dealership owners, the owner pitches which car they'd like to auction and the CoC will then take into account how many other cars this dealership auctions, how rare the vehicle actually is and whether it's suitable to be considered good enough to auction. I personally believe each dealership should be limited to 1 or 2 auction vehicles at the most only.

From what I've been told, the super car dealerships are currently restricting 9 or 10 different cars to auction only, which are selling for between £5,000,000-£10,000,000 every month, which considering they all cost around £1,000,000 to import is absolutely insane. These are all cars that used to be for sale normally, for normal prices, until it was just decided they'd auction them instead.

Restock Amounts
This is less impactful change, but I still think would help balance the car market, and encourage 2nd hand sales. As it stands right now, when re-stocks happen through the month the new stock is just piled on top of the old stock in the warehouse. So for example if a Neo hasn't been sold for a long time and it has re-stocked 10 times, there would be like 40 of them available in the warehouse to order. What I think should happen is that the re-stock should just reset the amount. So instead of piling on and make that 42, it would reset back to 2 (or 4 whatever it is). This would mean if a new 'meta' vehicle is found, Dealerships can't then sell 50 of them on day 1, and it would encourage 2nd hand sales and would make cars actually hold some value in this respect, instead of their suddenly being loads of them because its the new up and coming thing to have, the 10 people or whatever that manage to get one would appreciate it and cars would be sought after. Yes it would probably mean Dealerships would make less sales, but is really the end of the world? I know for Beekers and Custom Motorcycles, the Lost businesses, it wouldn't be the worst thing.

The Pros:
- Re-balances the car market
- Makes things more affordable and achievable for players that focus on roleplay

The Cons:
- I imagine some Dealership owners won't like this too much, because they'd make less money, but is that a con? Really it's a benefit to the larger playerbase, while leaving a few less advantaged than they were

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?
Massive +1 the prices are ridiculous at auctions and people go just to run the auctions up. The Krieger for example was ran up in auction to 9.7mil so they could sell theirs for more than they had previously bought it for. The Emerus used to be 1.4-1.8mil it just sold in auction for 6.5mil. Anyone new to the city or focusing more on rp have no chance unless they grind bins daily.
+1, in all honesty the auction/raffles only benefit a handful of people on the server who make 10's of millions a month for ordering some cars and selling them on.

Even if this meant somewhat increasing some of the restock amounts on some of these cars.
Even if this meant somewhat increasing some of the restock amounts on some of these cars.
See I'm not even sure this makes much sense - I've been told that the reason they are being auction, or prices increased per sale, is because the restock amount is getting low. So less stock equals a higher price. This just screams 'how can we make more money from less cars', the car hasn't changed, it hasn't gotten before or anything, just people worrying about their bank balance.
+1 that there needs to be some changes made, but all this really does is pass the profit on to whoever manages to get that 1 car for the month when they sell it on at 'market' value (whatever someone will pay to get it).

If I win a raffle or a wheelspin or whatever to buy a Krieger for 'normal' price I can then just sell it on for 6m tomorrow.

EDIT: Off topic for this suggestion but I'd love to see a rebalance of what is sold at which dealership and also some 'bands' for cars which control how much they cost to sign over to a different owner. There are so many cars sold at the 'wrong' dealership for what they actually are. The amount of compacts/coupes classed as Sports by the game that ought to be sold by Otto's is the main one for me but there are lots of others too.
Both suggestions could in some sense initially be sorted by the big CoC, I'll bring it up and see if the auction stuff(at least) is something we're interested in
If I win a raffle or a wheelspin or whatever to buy a Krieger for 'normal' price I can then just sell it on for 6m tomorrow.
I don’t think so to be honest, I think if this change happened people would start trying to sell theirs which would mean a load of second hand vehicles around. Once that balances out people won’t willing pay a lot more than they are worth.

When dealerships sold them for reasonable prices before this, nobody was paying 6m for one then.
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Big +1, I feel as if the market for cars at the minute is hurting the economy in some way. Auction only is just used for the sole reason of pure profit of X amount of millions.
Joe and Jacks points tie together. if there isn't enough stock to meet the demand stuff perpetually increases in price. It should be the case that rarer cars like the furia, torero are sold sparingly and are the rare ones whilst other things which were never intended to be rare, aren't rare and have inflated prices should be dropped back down.

Drawing the only comparison I know. I think its pretty nuts that two people in the whole server make more money on one car, multiple times a month than a dealership like beekers which has more commissioned based employees and others selling a hell of a lot more cars. Its an engineered monopoly which I would personally be fine with if the extend of the roleplay went further than checking what's in stock and spending two minutes buying it after 10 hours on the bins.
What I will add to this, working at a Super Car Dealership, is Supply & Demand plays a massive part into this, also.

We get 1 of every Supercar every 2 months.

The inflation of seeing these fly out the door due to a sudden surge in income more than likely has seen an attempt to control the stock take into effect or, simply, the stock is no longer available from the Warehouse (this is my opinion, i have no say in what happens with the management or decision making). I can't comment of how things used to be, of course.

If the price is capped and placed on the open market on a first come, first serve basis, people will be waiting a long time to see their dream car purchased (this could a be a good or a bad thing depending on how you look at it).Whether this has a positive or negative effect on the 2nd hand market, I am unsure, although these would become highly sought after. What is to say that a motor is purchased from a Dealership for a much lower price simply for the sole purpose of reselling immediately for a ridiculous profit?

If the restock amount of these can be tweaked with to assist in these motors being more available for people in the City to own, then fantastic.

I think with with what money some characters may come to have obtained, they're struggling on being able to spend it on anything and therefore holding onto money and not seeing it naturally flow within the economy. When something comes along that they really, really want, they have bags and bags to spend because of this, thus causing the inflation at auction.

Please note that Dealerships are not at fault for someone choosing to spend up to £9.7M on a car they really, really want at auction. I'd be interested to see how the CoC could regulate auctions if it came into play and I agree, something needs to be done.
If we ''reset'' the warehouse every month that will only incline dealerships to add more ''auction'' only cars, if we get 10 of the same car in we have more then enough so we can sell them for less as it makes them less ''special'' if we only get 1 each month or two and 20 people want this car the value will jump up as it's suddenly a rare vehicle people are willing to spend more money on.
To fix the high car prices I recommend we get more then 1 car every 1/2 months. (let's say 5) But add a max on it, no more then 25 super cars can be in the warehouse. so during events the stock sharing dealerships can sell/raffle/prize a few off.

The increase of carprice that recently happened is before every Tom and Harry started no life grinding the bin's bragging how they earned 10/14 million in 7-14 days and started buying all the super cars. Even now I had to tell someone last night all of the 5 vehicles they wanted were already sold for this month... and it's was only the 9th!!
(Bin's have had a fixing recently but it will take some time for those millions already grinded to leave people's bank accounts)

These auction cars used to sell for around 3/5 million at best. with the people abusing the bin runs these auctions flew to 8/10 million. No dealership is happy with these changes.
These auction car's will be more expensive because there are added costs of the advertisement, recolor/customising of auction car in some cases, employee time investment, event organising and the enjoyment of added group rp instead of ''sell me this car, thanks''
We've also noticed an increase of second hand dealerships trying to win the auction cars overbidding highly so they can sell the vehicle at an even higher price at their stores.

(these auction bids will naturally lower in price with people no longer being able to abbuse the binruns but with the economy growing so will the car prices, also not allowing second hand dealerships to place a bid on new auction cars could help stabilise the price, like making it so auction car's can not be sold for the first 2 months of purchase.)

The Tyrant used to have a profit of 30%, which had moved to 50% in the recent months, only with the binning abuse this had been changed to 80% to keep it a bit realistic, when have you seen a binman drive a lambourgini?
(adding a fixed max sale price sounds good only if second hand cars would get a simular slightly lower max sell price, a second hand car is not supposed to be worth more, irl if i pump 5k into my car for upgrades it doesn't increase the value of my car as it's still a ''used'' car compared to a brand new one. so if we add a 50% profit for new car's i'd say as a 40% for second hand cars. 100k import car sells for 150k first hand and 140k second hand. small difference but keeps the market fair in my eyes.)

We still keep the prices so that even a normal officer or nhs worker can work their way up to a super car which is not really realisctic but it is a game so we make sure everyone can buy what they love in time, but you're not supposed to be able to buy one after your first month in the city. These are cars that we don't get a lot of, that are expensieve because they are beautiful and have top performance.
(ngl police,fire and nhs might be highly due an increase in pay cause they struggling..)

If i'm spouting nonsense feel free to correct me XD It's merely my opinion. 😁
What is to say that a motor is purchased from a Dealership for a much lower price simply for the sole purpose of reselling immediately for a ridiculous profit?