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Daniel Matrix and DizzyGhost (Daniel lack of evidence/Ghost banned already)

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Offical Repo Man.
Names: Daniel Matrix and DizzyGhost

Time 8:50

Have you tried to contact them?: Not on teamspeak and the server went down.

Well, the video shows it all really. We were taking them back to Athira HQ and they were put in the back of the offroad when they then open fired upon me, SPC ArrogantBread and PC Euan. One of the men was killed when they fired at us by PC Euan and the other jumped out of the car on the way back to the HQ and re-spawned as shown in the video by him being killed.

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DizzyGhost also slaughtered a bunch of new people in kavala earlier on in the day too. Not only that but he killed me with a spike trap (having it out and then hitting me with it) while in a green zone, he also did this for another person. After that he took my rifle and just started killing anyone he saw. I have video proof of him killing me with the spike trap if it's needed. But judging from this video I don't think it will be.

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As you can clearly see on your video I did not shoot out of the vehicle, the animation is just there because it automatically puts you in such animation when you have a gun and you get detained in the back of the vehicle.


I did nothing wrong.

DizzyGhost also slaughtered a bunch of new people in kavala earlier on in the day too. Not only that but he killed me with a spike trap (having it out and then hitting me with it) while in a green zone, he also did this for another person. After that he took my rifle and just started killing anyone he saw. I have video proof of him killing me with the spike trap if it's needed. But judging from this video I don't think it will be.
That is called robbing with RP, and when people failRP and run away while there is a gun pointed at their head, yes I will open fire and kill then. Stop running away everybody that I rob like 90% tries to run away but end up dieng.

Also nice RP saying the owner of this car is wanted, while the owner is not wanted and I jsut have second keys from it hahaha, you were holding me up for completely no single reason.

After the discussion you just found a different reason of holding me up by saying you had a gun out in public. Yes I had my gun out, because I just exited my car next to an ATM withdrawn money and got back in.

You are failRP'ing I have met only a couple cops that RP properly and know they don't have evidence enough to arrest me.

Ohhh that's right! Obviously you have cut that out! Instead of showing the whole arrest.

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Also nice RP saying the owner of this car is wanted, while the owner is not wanted and I jsut have second keys from it hahaha, you were holding me up for completely no single reason.

After the discussion you just found a different reason of holding me up by saying you had a gun out in public. Yes I had my gun out, because I just exited my car next to an ATM withdrawn money and got back in.

You are failRP'ing I have met only a couple cops that RP properly and know they don't have evidence enough to arrest me.
We were detaining you for exposing firearms in public originally.

That is called robbing with RP, and when people failRP and run away while there is a gun pointed at their head, yes I will open fire and kill then. Stop running away everybody that I rob like 90% tries to run away but end up dieng.
That was not robbing with Rp, That was just murdering anyone in kavala that had a firearm and anyone who was in your area. I also love you how completely ignored the part about the spike trap.

We were detaining you for exposing firearms in public originally.
I was explaining to you that when I was trieng to acces the ATM I scrolled on pistol accidantlyand still you saw that I was wanted and wanted to find a stupid reason to arrest me.

I came out of my car with a hand gun next to the atm did SHIFT + H scrolled down to get money and drew the pistol again isntead of hitting the ATM the ATM at that location is hard to access.

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That was not robbing with Rp, That was just murdering anyone in kavala that had a firearm and anyone who was in your area. I also love you how completely ignored the part about the spike trap.

I was robbing with RP I told them to put their hands up and if people FailRP and just run around like crazy monkeys then yes I will open fire, first I try to knock em out if thye don't listen but if they run away far I will shoot, sometimes thye die sometimes they escape.

I also don't know what you're talking about with the spike strips I haven't got any? I love how you ignored 90% of my post go read it again.

Also this has nothing to do with this make another post with proof please. Cya

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also been rdmed by dizzy ghost, i ran into handgun store where i seen a guy and i said its ok im friendly i just need a toolkit, then i was shot from behind with no rp! i have video if needed

Today around 18:05 Swedish time I got RDMed by DizzyGhost. He did not interact in roleplay and did not even attempt to warn me and the guy standing next to me. This is what happend.

Outside the handgun store me and another guy I randomly met called Robin Hood walked up to someone with new spawned clothes. Possiblt Daniel Matrix. He asked us if we had a repair kit, aswell as he put his hands up without any commands or requests from me or the other guy. I simply asked him what he was doing there. 

I began to walk away as Robin Hood met me on the hill and dropped his toolkit. Probably believing it was me who asked for it, he was clearly just trying to help. I explained to him that it wasn't me that required the Toolkit but the guy further down. As I did this I got shot out of nowhere, without any sort of warning from "DizzyGhost" friend or any sort of interaction from the killer himself. I could see in the chat that Robin Hood died aswell. 

According to Dizzy his friend got "robbed" by us. Even though all we did was offer help. It was alot of people stating the same in the sidechat, that they also had been randomly killed by this guy. He clearly disregards the rules and refuses to read them. 

also been rdmed by dizzy ghost, i ran into handgun store where i seen a guy and i said its ok im friendly i just need a toolkit, then i was shot from behind with no rp! i have video if needed

You also repliedo n the other post just make a different post and look what I've replied to you there stop complaining fake stuff, jsut because I am better then you with just a pistol in a gun fight.

Today around 18:05 Swedish time I got RDMed by DizzyGhost. He did not interact in roleplay and did not even attempt to warn me and the guy standing next to me. This is what happend.

Outside the handgun store me and another guy I randomly met called Robin Hood walked up to someone with new spawned clothes. Possiblt Daniel Matrix. He asked us if we had a repair kit, aswell as he put his hands up without any commands or requests from me or the other guy. I simply asked him what he was doing there. 

I began to walk away as Robin Hood met me on the hill and dropped his toolkit. Probably believing it was me who asked for it, he was clearly just trying to help. I explained to him that it wasn't me that required the Toolkit but the guy further down. As I did this I got shot out of nowhere, without any sort of warning from "DizzyGhost" friend or any sort of interaction from the killer himself. I could see in the chat that Robin Hood died aswell. 

According to Dizzy his friend got "robbed" by us. Even though all we did was offer help. It was alot of people stating the same in the sidechat, that they also had been randomly killed by this guy. He clearly disregards the rules and refuses to read them. 
You told him to put his hands up and had a rifle aimed at his head while he yelled he was getting robbed. Next time don't rob bambi's and listen next time by going on the ground. Maybe you did not hear that because of the chopper? Make a new post instead of under this.

got no time for you heavily armed guys getting owned by a pistol. stop being so mad.

Btw sold your chopper :*

Edit: I did read the rules and it's also commo nsense when you're robbing my in-game friend. You think you are geared up and super tough still you don't comply when I say on the ground 2 times. Another guy who fails RP, if you did not go on the ground because you have a rifle wich is common sense to fight back you still got shot.

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You told him to put his hands up and had a rifle aimed at his head while he yelled he was getting robbed. Next time don't rob bambi's and listen next time by going on the ground. Maybe you did not hear that because of the chopper? Make a new post instead of under this.

got no time for you heavily armed guys getting owned by a pistol. stop being so mad.

Btw sold your chopper :*

Edit: I did read the rules and it's also commo nsense when you're robbing my in-game friend. You think you are geared up and super tough still you don't comply when I say on the ground 2 times. Another guy who fails RP, if you did not go on the ground because you have a rifle wich is common sense to fight back you still got shot.

Do you enjoy being this false? It's rather irritating how you can just straight up lie in order to save your skin instead of just agreeing with what you have done.

None of us told him to put his hands up, he did that himself. He asked for a toolkit and nothing else. Also your friend is clearly lying to you. Instead of warning us he said nothing and remained silent after I decided to walk away since I did not have any toolkit on me, which he should have done if you were planning to murder us without interacting with us yourself. 

A robbery is when someone points a gun towards the victim and orders him to put his hands up or lie down on the ground. This wasn't the case. In this case his friend put his hands up by himself when I asked what his business was, as if he wanted me to rob him.

What is also worth saying is that we both got shot on our way from the scene. His friend he was trying to "save" was in no harm and had no weapon pointed at him. 

exact same situation as me, his mate dropped to the floor as if i was robbing him... i think this may have been the plan cos its the same story over and over! an excuse to rdm

A robbery is when someone points a gun towards the victim and orders him to put his hands up or lie down on the ground. This wasn't the case. In this case his friend put his hands up by himself when I asked what his business was, as if he wanted me to rob him.

What is also worth saying is that we both got shot on our way from the scene. His friend he was trying to "save" was in no harm and had no weapon pointed at him. 
You did say put your hands up, show the vidoe that "you've recorded"

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