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D10 - Dirt forming too quickly on paint

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Well-known member
Lang & Diaz Dealership. Elgin Ave
Steam ID: 76561198081597115

Character ID: 60192

When did this happen: 10/15/23

Summary: D10 - Dirt forming too quickly on paint

Full Description:
When driving the Coquette D10, I have noticed that the dirt forms on the paint a lot faster than the average car. Just 1 small drive around the City and the car is absolutely plastered in dirt.

Can we slow this down? It's such a shame having to clean it every single time you get out of it.

Images / Video's

I had this yesterday with the E=Tron as well, left AE carpark and by time I got to the Furniture shop it was maxed out dirty 

Since raising this I have also noticed this happening with:

  • Obey 10F
  • Corsita
  • T20
I also had this problem with my T20 yesterday, got so dirty so fast. 

If they are default GTA vehicles then that is the way they are set up (we haven't touched them) - We generally won't touch them either.

@George Harrishonestly dude it never used to happen as much as it is now - Spoke to a few in City about it just now and it seems to be affecting all cars or at least most of them. I just noticed that it seemed more excessive than usual, and I'm apparently not the only one who has noticed.

Appreciate it may be something that hasn't been touched, but with all of the recent updates I can only assume the dirt rate has potentially increased? - It has definitely changed 

Sorry, either we've been unable to reproduce this bug with enough detail, or its not been considered a bug.
Nevertheless, we appreciate your efforts, please do not be discouraged in submitting new bug reports going forward.​


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