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Cutlass Arcade Custom Music

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We appreciate the comparisons and the opinions against us having Custom Music. However, we are Cutlass and have our own story to which members have dedicated time and passion to develop.

We appreciate the comparisons and the opinions against us having Custom Music. However, we are Cutlass and have our own story to which members have dedicated time and passion to develop.
No one is saying you havent put time and effort into what your doing. What people are saying is theres been no events etc. 229 and other gangs worked months and months for what they have got so i think the others points are giving yous keys and saying a business is yours just because your always there andit  is not fair on other gangs/businesses in the city. 

Just keep the stories coming and im sure youll get keys etc 

(this is what i gather from the other comments)

Yous all seem a lovely bunch and i hope you get the juke box installed but for keys etc maybe thats later down the line 🙂

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Thank you Katelyn as you are acquainted with our members and had Role-play encounters that I've thoroughly enjoyed. Not so sure why the comments have swiftly turned to us receiving keys, as that wasn't in the OP. Let's not ignore the fact we have been at it for months and months, too.
Thank you Katelyn as you are acquainted with our members and had Role-play encounters that I've thoroughly enjoyed. Not so sure why the comments have swiftly turned to us receiving keys, as that wasn't in the OP. Let's not ignore the fact we have been at it for months and months, too.
Really enjoyed all previous RP with you guys yous are doing fantastic and theres no doubt about that!

I second this idea cutlass should take the whole place instead they are big enough they have the business ideas plans and opportunities they are outside and inside the arcade everyday always a presence there +1
This is where the key comment came from,  i just feel the comments above have a point about you guys doing events to draw in customers etc and show yous can make a success of it.

again +1 for the music 

Keep up the RP and youll do fantastic 🙂

Let's not ignore the fact we have been at it for months and months, too.
Nobody has discredited the work you are doing towards it.

We all know how hard it is to make it in city. People, like myself, who have been here for a year etc have seen so many groups come and go. What we do know however is that it’s more than a month or two hard graft to get somewhere. It could be a year, it could be 6 months. Keep at it, that arcade could do with some life. 

As you can see, I've been a member of the community for years. So I'm aware of the dedication it takes to sustain a group sufficiently. It sounds condescending when you claim to know how long we have been operating and downplaying the amount of Role-play we have been a part of. I don't see any negativity into wanting to expand our Role-play opportunities with a Custom Music Player.

yeah we've been here a while getting to know a fair few people in the city and its been fun, I get where you're coming from with the keys part we know it takes time to acquire I think for now the main part we are trying to point out is the music that's all.

You all will definitely be seeing us around the city we are trying to circulate round to everyone but there is just a lot of people to get round to. We will eventually like the turf but we know its not no sudden thing or you just get given the keys to just like that we just trying to put our name out there and make people aware we aren't going anywhere 🙂

As you can see, I've been a member of the community for years. So I'm aware of the dedication it takes to sustain a group sufficiently. It sounds condescending when you claim to know how long we have been operating and downplaying the amount of Role-play we have been a part of. I don't see any negativity into wanting to expand our Role-play opportunities with a Custom Music Player.
Just for the record no one is condecending you, if anything from my end i am prasing you for your hard work! 

From the other prespective i think its soley because Cutlass as a gang hasent been around long and members around the city have been telling people they are a new gang looking to recruit new people. I know yous were a different gang before so know yous have been around a fair bit longer, but i think from the others points its just the fact this gang itself is new and possibly people want to hear all about you (through great RP) keep working hard and make your dreams a reality! 

I will for sure support and attend events but we need to see them on tweedle 🙂 

keep up the great RP and good things come to those who wait ❤️

It sounds condescending when you claim to know how long we have been operating and downplaying the amount of Role-play we have been a part of.
As I said in my previous post... Nobody has discredited you on the RP, story or way you run Cutlass. We are purely talking about the time it will take to build the arcade up to be a turf. And how it may be a while before any changes are made to it. 

Nobody in this post has down-played anything. 

Good luck for the future, I hope your passion, dedication and graft pays off. 

My experiences of cutlass for the majority are usually negative scenarios, not a bad thing, as it's nice for a gang to cause a bit of conflict. Regardless of that a jukebox would make a fine addition to the arcade and it's nice to see someone take up the place again and give it a bit of life. Over the two years of playing i've seen many gangs come and go in the arcade and attempt to make it their turf, sort of like the apartments on old Lotus turf. I've also been part of the Ballas when we were in talks of selling off the car wash and buying out the arcade within RP to make it the new Ballas turf. I am sure one day you guys could make it a fixed home and you've been around long enough to understand that it won't be something you're granted over night. Keep up roleplay and keep making a name for yourselves and remember just because you're walking around 20+ man deep it doesn't instantly make you a worthy faction... quality not quantity.

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We've had some great RP connections with members of the coalition recently, so again I find it bizarre you have such negative views towards us OOC. Some of your members even commenting how official we are operating.
I feel some people may be scared of competition, as this is natural. But I assure you, having a Custom Music Player will not allow us to conquer anyone.

We've had some great RP connections with members of the coalition recently, so again I find it bizarre you have such negative views towards us OOC. Some of your members even commenting how official we are operating.
I feel some people may be scared of competition, as this is natural. But I assure you, having a Custom Music Player will not allow us to conquer anyone.
I hardly think meeting one time outside the arcade and having a friendly chat is considered GREAT roleplay. My negative opinions of Cutlass are all based on in-game interactions and as i said negative isn't a bad thing as it's nice to have conflict... being an Azteca the past year on another character, i lived for such conflict. I am sure OOC youre all fantastic humans, but If that's the type quality you strive to achieve, then best of luck to you... Might as well stick on the orange colours and drive orange cars now.

Wont comment on the being scared of competition or conquering... 🤣 love the confidence.

I hardly think meeting one time outside the arcade and having a friendly chat is considered GREAT roleplay. My negative opinions of Cutlass are all based on in-game interactions and as i said negative isn't a bad thing as it's nice to have conflict... being an Azteca the past year on another character, i lived for such conflict. I am sure OOC youre all fantastic humans, but If that's the type quality you strive to achieve, then best of luck to you... Might as well stick on the orange colours and drive orange cars now.

Wont comment on the being scared of competition or conquering... 🤣 love the confidence.
I see you are very passionate about the Azteca days, but as time goes by new gangs have to move in. You contradict yourself by saying "majority are usually negative scenarios" and now you claim a "one time outside the arcade... friendly chat", so did we Roleplay this friendly chat poorly?

I fear you are bringing in character feelings OOCLY and that's not fair, as the topic of this post is for the addition of the ability to play Custom Music in the Arcade.
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I see you are very passionate about the Azteca days, but as time goes by new gangs have to move in. You contradict yourself by saying "majority are usually negative scenarios" and now you claim a "one time outside the arcade... friendly chat", so did we Roleplay this friendly chat poorly?

I fear you are bringing in character feelings OOCLY and that's not fair, as the topic of this post for the addition of the ability to play Custom Music in the Arcade.
As i said in my first post... My EXPERIENCE of Cutlass, this could be word of mouth while i roleplay with others, whispers from other members in my organisation... anything along those lines is mostly negativity, I've not come across anything positive, i did wish you good luck and all the best though.

I then said the only actual ENCOUNTER I've had is standing outside the arcade having a chat. Hardly world class roleplay. I feel you're getting offended over comments on a public forum. You've made a suggestion on a public forum for a music player for your self-claimed turf and attempted to pull the wool over everyones eyes with false facts about your outstanding quality as a group. As a member of the community i was sharing my opinion as have others. Don't be so quick to get so defensive.

As i said in my first post... My EXPERIENCE of Cutlass, this could be word of mouth while i roleplay with others, whispers from other members in my organisation... anything along those lines is mostly negativity, I've not come across anything positive, i did wish you good luck and all the best though.

I then said the only actual ENCOUNTER I've had is standing outside the arcade having a chat. Hardly world class roleplay. I feel you're getting offended over comments on a public forum. You've made a suggestion on a public forum for a music player for your self-claimed turf and attempted to pull the wool over everyones eyes with false facts about your outstanding quality as a group. As a member of the community i was sharing my opinion as have others. Don't be so quick to get so defensive.

So your only actual "ENCOUNTER" was a friendly chat with us, that's great! We can't be that bad after all... lol However, we can't be liked by everyone. I'm not here to spread any disinformation, so please quote me on any false facts I've put forward.
I see you have issues with the location we choose to claim, again this is a Roleplay situation. If the addition of a Custom Music player to the Arcade would affect you negatively, please express why?

This is a suggestion that could benefit my group, so if I come across defensive, it's because I'm determined to see it succeed. I know a Custom Music player would bring a lot of pleasure and benefit to Roleplay.

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So your only actual "ENCOUNTER" was a friendly chat with us, that's great! We can't be that bad after all... lol However, we can't be liked by everyone. I'm not here to spread any disinformation, so please quote me on any false facts I've put forward.
I see you have issues with the location we choose to claim, again this is a Roleplay situation. If the addition of a Custom Music player to the Arcade would affect you negatively, please express why?
I'll let you read my posts again, a few times over, if needed. If you want me to put any of it in laymans terms i am more than happy to.

I'll let you read my posts again, a few times over, if needed. If you want me to put any of it in laymans terms i am more than happy to.
Thank you for the friendly chat Roleplay! We hope to have some custom background music next time.

Looking forward to hearing all the negative experiences people have with cutlass. I just hope my encounters remain positive 😘
Separate your IC and OOC emotions, I know it's hard, but we all have to play a role on the server. No hard feelings, we're just trying to make it and have fun.


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