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Cutlass Arcade Custom Music

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The Cutlass Arcade


With our Group "Cutlass" spending a lot of time interacting in and around the Arcade, the ability to play Custom Music would be a great addition. It would advance our Role-play and make the place more attractive to visitors. Currently restricted to playing in-game radio from cars with loudspeakers is hindering us as we would like to play the music that is more in line with our theme and events.

  • 20+ Active members on average.
  • Recognized amongst the server.
  • Operating for months. 



Totaly agree on this, it should be speakers there so events can be planned with Parties and gaming inside the arcade. So it could be some back round music for those Who wants to have a karaoke night to sing the night away. Or to have some music to chill to when People are Just hanging there to chill out and talk. 

We could really do with this as when certain people ain`t  in the city   the cars with speakers are not accessible, The music adds to the role play massively and would give every active member the option to host some RP activities. 

+1, been waiting for this area to get some ownership brining in new rp situations for everyone to enjoy. The jukebox would be a great addition for these boys to start their business ventures 

Would be better to have it fully operational and not just the music
I second this idea cutlass should take the whole place instead they are big enough they have the business ideas plans and opportunities they are outside and inside the arcade everyday always a presence there +1

All gangs worked their arses off for so long to be recognised in the community, non-stop with their quality RP and growth within the groups over time. I am personally active on the server a lot and only just heard of 'Cutlass', due to their current 'war' with other groups. If you want to 'claim' this building I think more RP needs to be seen honestly and more activity on the server before anything is considered for them

+1 for this would enhance RP i truly believe! Inside has a new modern interior this would simply add to it! Great idea!

Would just say its a little to early for the keys and ownership though.

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All gangs worked their arses off for so long to be recognised in the community, non-stop with their quality RP and growth within the groups over time. I am personally active on the server a lot and only just heard of 'Cutlass', due to their current 'war' with other groups. If you want to 'claim' this building I think more RP needs to be seen honestly and more activity on the server before anything is considered for them
Completely agree with this Chloe, it takes gangs or groups weeks even months to get a building they want as an example the Order and there restaurant or 229 and Bay city, Chloe you make a good point of you have to work to have something in the city, maybe they need a few events or ideas put forward, it could take months to get that building. 

All gangs worked their arses off for so long to be recognised in the community, non-stop with their quality RP and growth within the groups over time. I am personally active on the server a lot and only just heard of 'Cutlass', due to their current 'war' with other groups. If you want to 'claim' this building I think more RP needs to be seen honestly and more activity on the server before anything is considered for them
@ChloRegarding this comment, I havent heard of this gang before maybe in the last week ive heard about them through (war gangs) and agree ownership shouldnt just be given out to anyone just because there present and most have guns. Music boxes however would be good for the building as a whole (for everyone to enjoy) but with locks etc that should wait until people show they can make a success at the business like everyone else and like all other businesses.

So for the music box +1

for keys etc -1 (just because it wouldnt be fair on other people who have worked months and months for a business, would be wrong to just give keys out)

(Hope this sounds like a fair perspective) 

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All gangs worked their arses off for so long to be recognised in the community, non-stop with their quality RP and growth within the groups over time. I am personally active on the server a lot and only just heard of 'Cutlass', due to their current 'war' with other groups. If you want to 'claim' this building I think more RP needs to be seen honestly and more activity on the server before anything is considered for them
This is bizarre as we have been Role-playing with members of Balla's for months now. If you read through the post, we have only requested for the ability to play custom music as it would complement our Role-play.
This is bizarre as we have been Role-playing with members of Balla's for months now. If you read through the post, we have only requested for the ability to play custom music as it would complement our Role-play.
if you see what she is trying to say you would understand her point, Staff, admins will watch over you guys for weeks, months to see how your RP is and in the city its not as simple as asking for something and getting it, example the arcade it will take time for you to get it because you have to provide good RP and have a good showing of why you want the arcade hens you should do events to give you guys more of a chance, the duke box idea is good but it might take time its not something that can be added instantly to the city, i myself am a Padrino and at the diner we only recently got our duke box after being there for months and months and I'm using this as a example because it shows not everything can be given at a click of a finger 

I have plenty of screenshots and videos showing our story over the past months. I update our threads regularly, so keep a lookout for media relating to our come-up.

Custom Music would be great we can bring more people down to the arcade increasing the rp for everybody and to have a little fun it would be great if we could get the jukebox working as that would be a great implementation to everyones rp experience

if you see what she is trying to say you would understand her point, Staff, admins will watch over you guys for weeks, months to see how your RP is and in the city its not as simple as asking for something and getting it, example the arcade it will take time for you to get it because you have to provide good RP and have a good showing of why you want the arcade hens you should do events to give you guys more of a chance, the duke box idea is good but it might take time its not something that can be added instantly to the city, i myself am a Padrino and at the diner we only recently got our duke box after being there for months and months and I'm using this as a example because it shows not everything can be given at a click of a finger 
Yes, thank you, Macca! That is exactly what I was getting at. We can use group 229 as an example as they recently got their turf and became an 'official gang'. Yes, you might only be asking for the jukebox to be added, but are you not also wanting this building to eventually become Cutlass's turf? So if a jukebox was to be added I would say if and when you get your turf personally. I wish you guys the best and hope to see some fun RP from Cutlass in the future 

I think given the opportunity we could bring a new life to this part of the city; we have been praised in different situations with our RP already within the last couple of months from other gangs and members of the city, this will continue to grow the more people get to know us. I personally am looking forward to having a place we can officially call our own. we know the work we must put in to make this happen and understand things will take time. Rome wasn't built in a day. Cutlass are more than an organization, we are a family and are growing together. We are not here just to war and would not like to be recognised for this aspect, we have offered help and support for new members of the city and pointed them in the right direction to create their own story.

With the music system being present within the arcade would definitely give us a better opportunity to create great RP scenarios and with this we would then be able to propose better event nights.

Yes, thank you, Macca! That is exactly what I was getting at. We can use group 229 as an example as they recently got their turf and became an 'official gang'. Yes, you might only be asking for the jukebox to be added, but are you not also wanting this building to eventually become Cutlass's turf? So if a jukebox was to be added I would say if and when you get your turf personally. I wish you guys the best and hope to see some fun RP from Cutlass in the future 
Interestingly, we arose around the time  Ballas wasn't active around Forum drive. We have had countless Role-play scenarios with many major Gangs on the server. Let's not forget, we are only asking for Custom music to add to our Role-play experience.

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Yes, thank you, Macca! That is exactly what I was getting at. We can use group 229 as an example as they recently got their turf and became an 'official gang'
+1 on what Chloe has stated. 

229 spent so much time working towards where they are today. And good on them. I've been lucky enough to see them from their early stages, and it may have taken a while but they got rewarded for all that hard work. It's a long process, but stick with it and it'll be worth it.

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