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Crumbs is going...

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Well Crumbs I think myself and Archie will need to find another 'singer' xD Sad to see you go. #Crumbs4Rep and because it's you, though this is gonna cause me physical discomfort #KavalaPride 😜

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Hmmm I once med the neighbour of you crumbs... A nice guy. 

Good luck in what you decide to do next crumbs!

Goodbye friend. We tilted eachother alot but that was pretty fun to be honest. Will miss u bud!

Only started patrolling with you during your second time in the Police and by far you have made some great patrols that I have had the privelidge to have been apart of, from your random outbursts to your conduct towards knobs on patrol made for some great moments. See you in a couple months hopefully <3

Taking Crumbs on patrol was always such an exciting and dangerous time;  you had this knack of drawing out the "best" in people and causing so much chaos :) it was always hilarious and we never had a boring patrol.  Im sorry you had to leave this way and I wish you all the best bud! 

Just like Dark you're one of the first people I spoke to and one of my best friends from the community, probably never gonna have a better time on the server than our AR patrols, just make sure we stay in contact and play other stuff mate👍

@David Pook

When someone is community banned, does this mean that they can never return to the community and not appeal ever?
Bye Crumbs, always been a funny person and will be missed.

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