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Criminals on Tag

Connor gore

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
So I don’t know how hard this would be to implement or even how it would work hope it for some further suggestions if it gets the support. It I’m thinking rather than just fines and prison time for crims we could introduce a tag system nothing like they have to be in a house for a certain time or anything but just a way of us keeping tabs on their locations if they return to certain crime hotspots or so on we can then act upon it maybe similar to how ANPR works in game although we would be able to check locations say every 10 minor so on this would also help with people repeat offending as soon as they get out of prison maybe they keep a tag on for 12hrs real time? 

like they have to be in a house for a certain time 
So basically just longer in jail? Can't leave my house or I'll just get arrested again, how is that any different, except that theres even less to do in my house than in jail.

I read over it too fast and somehow skipped over the 'nothing'.

I like this idea, adds more RP and gotta play it a bit smarter knowing PD has your location at all times.


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So basically just longer in jail? Can't leave my house or I'll just get arrested again, how is that any different, except that theres even less to do in my house than in jail.
If you’re taking the piss it was quite funny, if you’re not read the word right before the bit you quoted.

When i served my whole month in prison and I was allowed out on bail etc, I was hoping something like this would be implemented, I would + 1 this ( ONLY IF DONE CORRECTLY ) as it could be over used and used in the wrong way and become very annoying quickly.

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if they return to certain crime hotspots or so on we can then act upon it
How would this work for gang members though, not sure about other people but I live on the turf my gang owns so would I not allowed to go to my house or risk being arrested?

With the way police are currently they would probably abuse it so -1

 I live on the turf my gang owns so would I not allowed to go to my house or risk being arrested?
NO no this is fine you live there of course its fine but it all depends what your conditions would be so say for example you was imprisoned or arrested for an alltercation with another gang if you returned to their turf then action would be taken but your own turf is fine 

I mean if there was a gang shootout and they could see your GPS in that area at that time pull you in for questioning

Tbf can they abuse it now they aren't allowed to be corrupt?

Well of course it’s going to have to fall in line with the new corruption rules meaning it can only be used for its intended purpose all the ifs and buts would have to be laid out by the courts 

I mean if there was a gang shootout and they could see your GPS in that area at that time pull you in for questioning

Tbf can they abuse it now they aren't allowed to be corrupt?
No, we couldn't abuse it. As abusing such would also be other rulesbreaks, and also abuse of whitelist if Im not mistaken.

Just like a lot of other functions that Police couldn't abuse before.

How would this work for gang members though, not sure about other people but I live on the turf my gang owns so would I not allowed to go to my house or risk being arrested?

With the way police are currently they would probably abuse it so -1
You speak of a faction with more than 300 members. Just because you met someone and had a bad experience doesn't mean the majority is like that.

Many police say the same about gangs, but again, one bad experience doesn't paint the picture of a whole faction.

You speak of a faction with more than 300 members. Just because you met someone and had a bad experience doesn't mean the majority is like that.

Many police say the same about gangs, but again, one bad experience doesn't paint the picture of a whole faction.
Police handing out 11 points for one count of dangerous driving isn't corrupt, its just a dick thing to do and it's what police are obsessed with doing right now so whose to say that if this feature was implemented they wouldn't take complete advantage over it to fuck over criminals. 

The difference between gangs and police is that gang members tend to act on an individual level, yes they have gang leaders etc but police on the other hand have to follow strict rules/policies so it is essentially copy paste and imo with the rule fair to generalise a whole faction.

It is not fair at all to generalise a whole faction.

I think it is quite ironic that you state "The difference between gangs and police is that gang members tend to act on an individual level". Is that why so many police officers get met with the same? If you think it is fair to generealise all officers as abusers of power, then it is very fair for police to generalise gangs also, no? 

If you did some research on it you would know that we are not actually supposed to issue 11 points for one count of dangerous driving. 

The rule of thumb is to issue one point for each driving offence. Can add some points more if there is a very high reason or very severe. With that said if you fail to stop and get arrested for that and dangerous driving you should only receive 2 points on the license. I don't know of any police constable that issues 11 points on a regular basis. 
If you did receive that there is plenty of ways to go about that within RP, without going to the forums to generalise every member of the LSPS faction as abusers to features etc. 

Big +1 

Could create amazing RP with this.

People who disagree most likely don't want it because they can't win from it. 

Being on tag would add a new level to crime because after your out of jail for a crime it doesn't really affect you but this could create restraint and some new ways to RP gang life 

Police handing out 11 points for one count of dangerous driving isn't corrupt, its just a dick thing to do
Things like this should and can be brought up to command where it can be dealt with OOC, as this shouldn't be happening regardless of whether it is corrupt or not, it is a game at the end of the day
