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Criminal economic

Nikolaj Nielsen

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Hello i have noticed that alot of the criminals are getting Gus at the moment.

I was thinking it would be cool if it was made so gangs need each other more.

So make it so that gangs that rp to be drug cartels gets Gus and make their money by being selling bough to hobos and making deals with other gangs.

And then in return the smaller mcs and the mafias has the import og maybe a couple of high en weapons.

This way it makes a dynamic so gangs need each other more 

I am inclined to agree that F6 organization could benefit from “Needing” each other more where they would have variations on what they can provide. And separating the difference between gangs and what they can source and for MC’s and Mafias to have something only they can acquire.  

Although I party agree with the fact that drugs should be more limited, simply putting a restriction on Gus is not gonna solve the matter but only cause more issues.
What the big problem is right now is the fact that there are no viable drugs to sell other than cocaine, and since every gang have access to it the prices continue to drop lower and lower, there also is 0 risk when it comes to loosing money by simply doing gus as it's the only drug that don't cost you anything, all other drugs cost money to make which also takes away from the end profit.

In order to fix the issue at hand a lot more drugs need to become more viable to sell by either upping the profit made or by changing the profit made by those drugs that are more or less "free". Once that has been resolved you could look into what gangs should have what as I agree all gangs having Gus makes no sence in RP and should be more restricted to those that are a "cartel" as they in the major aspects of life are the ones that deal with cocaine imports.

This means that you would also have to restrict other drugs to those gangs that RP as a different kind, i.e the Triads are an asian gang, in Asia opioids are a big thing and maybe adding a monopoly for the Triads in that aspect could then benefit their RP? Same with those that are regular street gangs, some of them could have the access to make Meth whilst some could deal with Crack, I am afraid that the situation drugs are in right now is a lot harder to fix than just some restrictions here and there as that simply leads to more gangs being "untouchable" as they would become the only ones supplying drugs with no other drugs being viable.

If it's done correctly and with a lot more thought behind it I would be all for this; simply a restriction of Gus is not going to help at all.

Maybe then wars wouldn't be about some stupid reason, but rather supply change or fight over a monopoly.

I think the devs are working on something big for criminals, we'll see what happens I guess

I've been a supporter of other groups getting exclusive gang related items/goods for a while. Cartel gangs having access to better drugs, MC's having access to certain firearm manufacturing and higher level organisations having access to more sophisticated gear. As far as I'm aware only two civilian groups have special privileges as they're integral to the server economy, one of which is a faction and the other might as well be.

I'd like to see more ways for natural conflict to begin. A major issue and criticism relating to gangs is that conflict is started over petty reasons. Portable gun manufacturing benches, benches that have a faster bagging/cutting rate, return of blotting paper, lysergic acid, barrels. All of those examples would create minor squabbles as people vie for control and could potentially lead to greater conflict that has good roleplay behind it. However, it's not just about conflict. Having these types of things allows for deeper and more meaningful roleplay between groups, there will come positive and negative interactions between groups, both of which further roleplay. 

I am inclined to agree with the majority of the above.

Giving each Turf Gang/Mafia/MC their own small niche in the city would reap it's own benefits. Each organisation needing to work with each other based around what specific item they want to get a hold of. This, would then fall into Kates comment, making wars worth while and not over "Tweddle Beef" as is so commonly seen, but more over who is doing deals with who, people trying to monopolise a specific market etc.

Although I party agree with the fact that drugs should be more limited, simply putting a restriction on Gus is not gonna solve the matter but only cause more issues.
What the big problem is right now is the fact that there are no viable drugs to sell other than cocaine, and since every gang have access to it the prices continue to drop lower and lower, there also is 0 risk when it comes to loosing money by simply doing gus as it's the only drug that don't cost you anything, all other drugs cost money to make which also takes away from the end profit.

In order to fix the issue at hand a lot more drugs need to become more viable to sell by either upping the profit made or by changing the profit made by those drugs that are more or less "free". Once that has been resolved you could look into what gangs should have what as I agree all gangs having Gus makes no sence in RP and should be more restricted to those that are a "cartel" as they in the major aspects of life are the ones that deal with cocaine imports.

This means that you would also have to restrict other drugs to those gangs that RP as a different kind, i.e the Triads are an asian gang, in Asia opioids are a big thing and maybe adding a monopoly for the Triads in that aspect could then benefit their RP? Same with those that are regular street gangs, some of them could have the access to make Meth whilst some could deal with Crack, I am afraid that the situation drugs are in right now is a lot harder to fix than just some restrictions here and there as that simply leads to more gangs being "untouchable" as they would become the only ones supplying drugs with no other drugs being viable.

If it's done correctly and with a lot more thought behind it I would be all for this; simply a restriction of Gus is not going to help at all.
This is also true. Although Gus does provide the majority of the drugs within the city, it isn't the main issues surrounding drugs. There are plenty of other in the city that people are aware of and could if they wanted make, however it comes at a cost, and that cost lowers profits. People are not going to put the time and effort in, as well as the risk to make a different type of drug, when cocaine and gus are the easy go to currently.

Changes would be nice, but as stated I believe there is a lot in the pipeline by the devs atm, so fingers crossed!

I've always thought there should be 2 "Gangs" who supply the same thing and that everything should be split up between everyone. That way everyone needs everyone at some point but always leaves an avenue of sourcing items from someone else, creates more competition in the market for certain items etc. 


Boss idea, means there's more for gangs to do other than to shoot people, relationships would cause less gang wars for stupid shite like accidentally punching someone, but in turn could cause some real beef with reason between gangs and have a bit more confidenciality rather than shouting the reasons all over tweedle. Makes the choice of gang a bit more selective rather than raw fighting capabilities and different kind of pathways for character arcs

I am inclined to agree with the majority of the above.

Giving each Turf Gang/Mafia/MC their own small niche in the city would reap it's own benefits. Each organisation needing to work with each other based around what specific item they want to get a hold of. This, would then fall into Kates comment, making wars worth while and not over "Tweddle Beef" as is so commonly seen, but more over who is doing deals with who, people trying to monopolise a specific market etc.

This is also true. Although Gus does provide the majority of the drugs within the city, it isn't the main issues surrounding drugs. There are plenty of other in the city that people are aware of and could if they wanted make, however it comes at a cost, and that cost lowers profits. People are not going to put the time and effort in, as well as the risk to make a different type of drug, when cocaine and gus are the easy go to currently.

Changes would be nice, but as stated I believe there is a lot in the pipeline by the devs atm, so fingers crossed!
There used to be alot more shit with drugs that got removed, would be boss to see them back maybe with effects to the player aswell
