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Council/Mayor or MPs within the City


Active member
Gaza Strip, Arcade
After some conversation with people in the police, civilian and criminal world I think having councillors or MPs for different constituency's across the city would add more roleplay to different aspects to city, here just a few things that could be debated;

- MPs or Councillors could create manifestos of what they want to change within the city and win the hearts of the public

- Would add more roleplay to the Police to protect/escort around the city

- Members of the public would be able to vote for a candidate weather that being a party or independent

- Topics/Debates could be brought up about Fuel Duty, Council tax and Legislation Bills (For example shop owners pay £5 per litre but MPs could battle for that to be brought down etc)

- More events could take place with MPs creating service events, visits etc

How voting would work:

- Anyone in the city would be able to vote but can only submit one entry (This could be the same system as how you put a license ban request in)

- Candidates must have clear criminal backgrounds and be either independent or within a party


- Would add a whole new dynamic of roleplay to the city

- Could improve the activity within the city

- Change the economy of the city perhaps 


- Could be a bit of work for developers to add certain programming in the server for voting systems etc

- Might limit more things within the city depending on what the MPs decide

- Could require a lot of manpower to have a proper council

I genuinely believe this could be a massive thing for the server, imagine the opportunities that could come of this for example someone's manifesto could be to recruit 50 new police officers, lower fuel duty and lower council tax.

+1 absolutely need something new and fresh for people to do! Having this will provide so much rp for allot of people. Ofc there will need to be restrictions so they cant edit or change anything without staff approval but it would make for some fresh rp. 

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Love it, massive +1!

great idea. potentially complicated, but would be an interesting and welcome turn of events, for sure


This actually opens up a whole lot more avenues for potential RP than people think and creates more job growth. Town Hall gets some use, clear and obvious potential corruption, Union strikes etc. +1

it would be very funny seeing ppl run for mayor every say 6 months then we do an election and candidates go on campaign trails and hold events to try and get Ur vote hahahahaha 
also Kenneth for mayor!

+1 Cool idea, probably somewhat complex to implement and keep up.

I remember Governments on arma, making weed legal different type of economic influence, +1 

as long as it doesn't become a ingame "devs please add this" everytime we get a new mayor it's a +1 from me aswell

as long as it doesn't become a ingame "devs please add this" everytime we get a new mayor it's a +1 from me aswell
Yeah I do not think this would become an issue, I just think their would be actual elections and things and that would be the only change

I do think this is a good idea. i have mentioned it before. i also think we should get a planning committee

+1 great idea, although I wouldn't nessesarily agree with having to have a completely 'clean' criminal record. As I think this could add a lot more value to the potential story arc's.

+1 great idea, although I wouldn't nessesarily agree with having to have a completely 'clean' criminal record. As I think this could add a lot more value to the potential story arc's.
Wouldnt make sense for a crim to be mayor though, I guess you can go to court and try get charges removed before hand. But I think the server needs something like this 

as long as it doesn't become a ingame "devs please add this" everytime we get a new mayor it's a +1 from me aswell
Well to help this and staff......

I know we already technically have one but i think this would take pressure of staff and it would also help people RP a lot more too and help with the people who are trying to set up business know where they stand and give them good rp.. 

We should create " Los Santos Planning and Building Committee" - these are people are active and have no affiliations with gangs this role is whitelisted and only a certain amount can be on it. It lead by Head P&B Councilor with Deputy Head P&B councilor and under them are councilors, the way this works is the person who is wanting to start a business, organizes a  meeting with the P&B Committee, where they will have to submit a business plan and on this plan will be what they are calling their business, what they plan on doing and how it will it affect the city? how will it help the city and other information that will support their business. once they have submitted there planning permission. The Committee will view the plan and discuss if they think it will work and set the business targets in what they have to achieve and show that they mean it and show dedication to it... the committee will organize another meeting to see how they are getting on and can set other tasks and other demands to see how the business is going. the committee can give little rewards out that the business need if the devs can do it, which will be discussed before the business gets its answer. this process could take 6 months maybe less or longer. depends what the committee want to see and how they feel its going......

Once the committee is okay with the idea and see the hard work. they then ask for the next plan of the business what do they need and where they want to take it, if it involves a building or something. planning permission will have to be submitted where it will be sent to a committee meeting but where the public can attend to and give their say if they think it would be a good idea or not. which also add good RP,  after the meeting it would then head to devs to say if they can do it or if it should go to a building or the business will be good and still work as it is..... if building was granted aswell. they would be owned by the committee until they was happy they are active enough and carry on putting enough work in to give them ownership of the building.... the committee would hold power to remove any business from anyone that they think is being miss managed or under achieved where they can send it for someone to apply for in if they took over how would they improve it and keep it running. i really think this would improve RP but keep people interested who isn't just wanting to shoot each other and have business RP

i am happy to organize a meeting with someone to discuss this and even give it a trial

the only down fall is could people be biased to friends, i would hope we had someone in charge who was not.

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