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Corrupt Police...

Right just gunna leave this here for all who have commented; I understand your points and yes maybe what I was saying was pretty wrong of me because a lot of the police and other members of the server are genuine and good. I didn't mean it as an attack on the police or any one of the members of staff etc. I was blinded by the rage of a potential off-duty officer stealing my stuff and having his police name still, I now know that names aren't even that important as I looked over the rules again and you're not supposed to know peoples names from the name above their head, my mistake. I didn't want to cause a scene with this post just wanted some answers and things have been made clear for me, so thank you for your replies and I hope you all have a good day!

Edit: I apologize if I offended anyone with this post as it was not my intention :)

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First of all, you said that no officer in real life holds up anyone after their shift. Well, open your eyes mate, go outside, lots off officers do that. I have some friends and know of some people that is employed in the police force that has often stopped others if they see them do illegal stuff. Officers always carry their PD-ID which proves them as a police officer, surely they cannot place them in cuffs and arrest you, but they have all the rights to hold you up, hell, even all civilians are allowed to do that if you are under suspicion of doing something illegal. Its called Citizen Arrest, and is a very legit and actual thing. 

Second of all, for the SPC infront of his/her name. There is a few possabilties to this. 

  1. This might have been a officer from Academy that logged in as civilian to go down to the police training area. I know this is done alot, and me myself as a ex. DSGT of Academy could not be assed to change the name evey time I was going down there, which often could be up to 5-6 or more times a day. 
  2. This might be an cooincidental happening. The SPC might mean something completely else, or might be an imposter. As said earlier, its very easy to just put SPC infront of your name.
  3. This might indeed be an officer that forgot to put his tag away when going offduty. This may happen to everyone. Everyone is not perfect, people can easily forget to change their name after playing as a cop. Hell, how many times havent you slipped your tounge and accidentally broke rp, or how many times havent you been so tired that you have not provided serious/proper RP, Brandon?
Third of all, dont come here on the forums with this attitude. Yes, my attitude is not filled with flowers and rainbows right now, but thats beucase you started this topic with your negative words against the complete police force, even going and calling it "Patethic". This is people who put emensely amount of hours and effort into the policeforce, thus letting the brilliant roleplay go on. What is pathetic is people like you that think you can just come on the server, see something that is not 100% with your opinion, and then coming here on the forums and shittalk a whole faction of players who work very hard. Word yourself better. You could have talked to the officer right after the RP situation and solved it there and then, like we all do here on the server. You must have seen his name, because you obviously read the nametag over the head.. 

Ok, I think I've made my point. 

Had me like

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It's not bannable if that's what your trying to get at.. The reason that rule is in place is so if an admin spots an off duty cop doing illegal activities they can contact the appropriate people in this case it would be the CSI's and it would be internal action only. Nobody has ever been banned for it.
Because someone hasn't been banned for it doesn't mean it's not bannable... It violates server rules which makes it bannable... I'm sure if there was a serious case of it happening there would be bans issued.

EDIT: Just read other responses and people are being harsh on the poster.. can't we keep this as a nice civil chat and not be malicious towards each other?..

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What is wrong with a little bit of corruption in the police force? More realistic.

I reckon having some corruption in the police force is good as long as they don't abuse there whitelisting.

What is wrong with a little bit of corruption in the police force? More realistic.

I reckon having some corruption in the police force is good as long as they don't abuse there whitelisting.

tbh I have a good set of handcuffs

and zipties

 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I think he got his answer lads.. All you have to do is contact a member of the police DI+ with evidence bud. Even if its just a player with SPC in his name i can check our database to clear everything up for you :D.

What is wrong with a little bit of corruption in the police force? More realistic.

I reckon having some corruption in the police force is good as long as they don't abuse there whitelisting.
I agree, however it is allowed to metagame and get kicked from the police for doing such a simple thing sometimes.

I liked the way Maratek used to do it where you could only get kicked out for being corrupt if caught within RP. I agree with Kaden, a bit of coruptness can spice it up a bit sometimes.

I liked the way Maratek used to do it where you could only get kicked out for being corrupt if caught within RP. I agree with Kaden, a bit of coruptness can spice it up a bit sometimes.

If you get kicked out of the police force outside off being caught in game then thats just wrong... 

I liked the way Maratek used to do it where you could only get kicked out for being corrupt if caught within RP. I agree with Kaden, a bit of coruptness can spice it up a bit sometimes.
I agree, but a lot of the time the corruption exceeds RP (Abusing stuff such as whitelisting etc). Things like allowing criminals free and stuff should be okay (as long as some top quality RP takes place and it's just just for 'buddies' etc), you should be able to have fun with it - all things considered, it is a game at the end of the day so it should be treated as one.

Summary: Other than the corruption actually being out of RP, I completely agree with you!
