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Corrupt Police...

So yeah, I was just held up by an 'off-duty' police officer who still had his name set to his police officer name and correct me if I am wrong but doesn't that contradict this whole 'serious roleplay' that the server has going on? What's the point in trusting the police if all they do is come and screw us over when they are off duty? You don't see an officer in real life go and hold people up after clocking out of his shift.

I think that the police should stick to being police for as long as they are police, if they want to do something else go on another server or hang up your policing days if you can't hack it.


So yeah, I was just held up by an 'off-duty' police officer who still had his name set to his police officer name and correct me if I am wrong but doesn't that contradict this whole 'serious roleplay' that the server has going on? What's the point in trusting the police if all they do is come and screw us over when they are off duty? You don't see an officer in real life go and hold people up after clocking out of his shift.

I think that the police should stick to being police for as long as they are police, if they want to do something else go on another server or hang up your policing days if you can't hack it.

If he was on Police Holiday he is considered a civ for the duration,either he forgot to change his name or you had a fast one pulled by a Hobo,COmpletely possible lol

So yeah, I was just held up by an 'off-duty' police officer who still had his name set to his police officer name and correct me if I am wrong but doesn't that contradict this whole 'serious roleplay' that the server has going on? What's the point in trusting the police if all they do is come and screw us over when they are off duty? You don't see an officer in real life go and hold people up after clocking out of his shift.

I think that the police should stick to being police for as long as they are police, if they want to do something else go on another server or hang up your policing days if you can't hack it.

Officers may not commit illegal activities as per server rules. (Ref:  (7.1.1) Police members are unable to do any illegal activity (unless on a Police holiday))

It is also against internal Police rules, so you can either report them on an administrative level or place a report on the Police Complaints Commission.

If you need any assistance with this hit me up :) 

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Officers may not commit illegal activities as per server rules. (Ref:  (7.1.1) Police members are unable to do any illegal activity (unless on a Police holiday)

It is also against internal Police rules, so you can either report them on an administrative level or place a report on the Police Complaints Commission.

If you need any assistance with this hit me up :) 
Thanks for the reply but sadly I cannot remember his name and I can't see it on the server list, he had SPC in his name and he admitted he was an off duty cop and laughed at how I didn't notice.

I was literally that livid I just rage quit the game after it happened haha.

Thanks for the reply but sadly I cannot remember his name and I can't see it on the server list, he had SPC in his name and he admitted he was an off duty cop and laughed at how I didn't notice.

I was literally that livid I just rage quit the game after it happened haha.
That's unfortunate, that behavior isn't welcome in the police force. Even if you did remember sufficient evidence is required :(

There is also a possibility he wasn't an off duty officer at all, it is very simple to put SPC in front of your name and just pretend to be one. 

Thanks for the reply but sadly I cannot remember his name and I can't see it on the server list, he had SPC in his name and he admitted he was an off duty cop and laughed at how I didn't notice.

I was literally that livid I just rage quit the game after it happened haha.

There is also a possibility he wasn't an off duty officer at all, it is very simple to put SPC in front of your name and just pretend to be one. 
Happens alot actually

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There is also a possibility he wasn't an off duty officer at all, it is very simple to put SPC in front of your name and just pretend to be one. 
Very true, I know there is nothing that you can do but if it is true and one of your police actually did such a thing; it's pretty bad. Just posted this as a heads up and because I'm slightly angry I suppose!

Very true, I know there is nothing that you can do but if it is true and one of your police actually did such a thing; it's pretty bad. Just posted this as a heads up and because I'm slightly angry I suppose!
If he was offduty police he should not wear the tag. But if you where doing some criminal what wrong there is in citizen's arrest? Im sure offduty officer is more than able to pull one of these from his pocket:

In England and Wales, the power to detain a person suspected of involvement in criminal activity is a statutory power laid down in section 24A of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984.

A person “other than a constable” may arrest without a warrant anyone:

“who is in the act of committing an indictable offence; or whom the person has reasonable grounds to suspect is committing an indictable offence.”


If you would in future to run across with so called "corrupt police" please ask for his name, badge and report him to PCC. 

A person “other than a constable” may arrest without a warrant anyone:

“who is in the act of committing an indictable offence; or whom the person has reasonable grounds to suspect is committing an indictable offence.”
Where can I buy handcuffs?


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I was joking as you were on about citizens arrest and you can't go the market IRL and buy handcuffs

Officers may not commit illegal activities as per server rules. (Ref:  (7.1.1) Police members are unable to do any illegal activity (unless on a Police holiday))

It is also against internal Police rules, so you can either report them on an administrative level or place a report on the Police Complaints Commission.

If you need any assistance with this hit me up :) 
It's not bannable if that's what your trying to get at.. The reason that rule is in place is so if an admin spots an off duty cop doing illegal activities they can contact the appropriate people in this case it would be the CSI's and it would be internal action only. Nobody has ever been banned for it.

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It's not bannable if that's what your trying to get at.. The reason that rule is in place is so if an admin spots an off duty cop doing illegal activities they can contact the appropriate people in this case it would be the CSI's and it would be internal action only. Nobody has ever been banned for it.
What if I spot an on duty cop stealing a vehicle then his superior paying off the civilian that was pissed about it to keep him quiet?

So yeah, I was just held up by an 'off-duty' police officer who still had his name set to his police officer name and correct me if I am wrong but doesn't that contradict this whole 'serious roleplay' that the server has going on? What's the point in trusting the police if all they do is come and screw us over when they are off duty? You don't see an officer in real life go and hold people up after clocking out of his shift.

I think that the police should stick to being police for as long as they are police, if they want to do something else go on another server or hang up your policing days if you can't hack it.

So your telling me that am only allowed to play as a cop on the server? I hope your not serious are you?

Quite shitty attitude towards players here who play as cops, and then saying go play on a different server?

First of all, cops play as civilians here with the same cop name but without there rank in front of them.

And why are you even reading there names ingame? thought about disabling names ingame, under your settings? Not a rule, but a suggestion....

SPC can even be a abbreviation for a gang on the server?

Your explaining only your point of the story here I noticed too, howabout getting the other side of the story from the socalled cop playing with you?

Active cops who go on a police holiday may then change there name to some other name, but those who are not on holiday play with there cop name otherwise. 

Do you have any recording of Roleplay from your part, so we can witness your socalled bad experience with a off-duty Officer?

Also a gamer who decides to Roleplay as a corrupt cop is at the end of the day his choice to do, hes not breaking server rules.

But, theres always a risk if he does choose this direction and consequences will be issued if caught.

Good day....

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First of all, you said that no officer in real life holds up anyone after their shift. Well, open your eyes mate, go outside, lots off officers do that. I have some friends and know of some people that is employed in the police force that has often stopped others if they see them do illegal stuff. Officers always carry their PD-ID which proves them as a police officer, surely they cannot place them in cuffs and arrest you, but they have all the rights to hold you up, hell, even all civilians are allowed to do that if you are under suspicion of doing something illegal. Its called Citizen Arrest, and is a very legit and actual thing. 

Second of all, for the SPC infront of his/her name. There is a few possabilties to this. 

  1. This might have been a officer from Academy that logged in as civilian to go down to the police training area. I know this is done alot, and me myself as a ex. DSGT of Academy could not be assed to change the name evey time I was going down there, which often could be up to 5-6 or more times a day. 
  2. This might be an cooincidental happening. The SPC might mean something completely else, or might be an imposter. As said earlier, its very easy to just put SPC infront of your name.
  3. This might indeed be an officer that forgot to put his tag away when going offduty. This may happen to everyone. Everyone is not perfect, people can easily forget to change their name after playing as a cop. Hell, how many times havent you slipped your tounge and accidentally broke rp, or how many times havent you been so tired that you have not provided serious/proper RP, Brandon?
Third of all, dont come here on the forums with this attitude. Yes, my attitude is not filled with flowers and rainbows right now, but thats beucase you started this topic with your negative words against the complete police force, even going and calling it "Patethic". This is people who put emensely amount of hours and effort into the policeforce, thus letting the brilliant roleplay go on. What is pathetic is people like you that think you can just come on the server, see something that is not 100% with your opinion, and then coming here on the forums and shittalk a whole faction of players who work very hard. Word yourself better. You could have talked to the officer right after the RP situation and solved it there and then, like we all do here on the server. You must have seen his name, because you obviously read the nametag over the head.. 

Ok, I think I've made my point. 
