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Corrupt a Wish

Granted but you would have 1000000 Yen which turns into 5317.85 GBP

I wish more people liked the colour pink ^-^

Granted but you have to use the Colour brown forever.

I wish I could live in the world of Anime.

Granted, but only monopoly money.

I wish that my phone didn't keep turning off the display when in power saving mode.

Granted but your phone is actually a toaster.

I wish that I would finally hatch into a beautiful dragon

Granted, but you will be the only dragon in the world

I wish that I can read any books, in whatever category and date, multi able times

Granted, but you will be the only dragon in the world

I wish that I can read any books, in whatever category and date, multi able times
Granted but you lose the ability to write completely. You also take 1 year to complete each book.

I wish I could wear a UNMC Beret without feeling afraid of getting robbed.

Granted, you won't be worried but you will constantly be robbed.

I wish Jeremy Clarkson was not fired from Top Gear.

granted but Hammond and May are both replaced by Adrian Chiles and Graham Souness.

I wish i could win a jackpot 

granted, but a leprechaun steels it for his end of the rainbow.

I wish I could run super fast

Granted but you can only run and never walk again.

I wish I wouldn't have to charge my phone

Granted, but they spray on with the words "COP TOUCHER" on the side.

I wish the free weekend brought intelligent and professional gamers.
Errr... I came from the free Arma weekend

Anyway , granted but you can never get any signal (welcome to Oxfordshire)

I wish that I was as good at PC games as I am at console games (I know I am a console peasant)

been wanting to make this post for ages

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Granted but you can't use vehicles, matter of fact it makes you sick

I wish someone liked me

Granted but you are only allowed to police Kavala during free weekends.

I wish I had an internet connection so I didnt have to do ban disputes at work.

Granted but every time you banned a rdming hobo your router would blow up.

I wish I could find the time for my module 2 :(

Granted but you would live in the fukushima exclusion zone.

I wish wildman would give me more hugs :(

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