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Cops Hank & Broden


Well-known member
While playing as a medic(Rachel Johnson) she accidentally fell off the crane. Cops Hank and Broden and another cop who i cant remember roleplayed her death sooooo well I recommend them as one of the best cop role players. Even though she didn't respond to anything they made it more interesting by using her death for a gr8 rp scenario. Hank made it more hilarious by getting a trash bin to pick up the pieces while the other cop swept her up(unsucessfully) Broden described her looking like a waffle lol.They even gave her a viking funeral while almost killing themselves unfortunately I have no clips of that but it was well done thanks to broden(staff).I have soo many short clips of there gr8 rp plus the clip where Rachel fell. I was in stitches with laughter I've never seen rp of a death done so well gr8 work guys keep up the good work!




Aw thats so sweet of you to mention!

Thank you so much 🙂 The place needs more people to just have some fun with! Well played for not just /me dead then respawning. That was a super fun canvas to RP with, and it helps that you literally fell far enough to be made into medic fries. XD 

I should do, I'll check my footage and get back to you

OOOOH the other person involved was @Adam Busy

Was a decent little one... although I had to pull away quite quickly was a funny situation! 

Many thanks and look forward to tha next one!

hilarious i loved it when you swept up rachels remains and hank got his trash bin ready i was literaly crying with laughter soooo hilarious
