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Congratulations to all you who just got their GCSE results!

GP Salty Vampire

Well-known member
Cheshire, England, GB
Hoping the vast majority of you are satisfied with how you did! So long as you did your best that's all you can expect of yourself. Don't let that one subject you let yourself down in keep you from seeing how well you did elsewhere though! If you passed, you've proven you can do well enough to carry on trying and know you can do better if you continue your education. 

But, if any of you aren't satisfied remember GCSEs aren't the end of the world! And if you are crazy bothered, you can always resit. You've probably all seen Jeremy Clarkson's tweet about his A level grades, but it does show that exam results don't have to matter. 

Even so, congratulations once more to everyone! If you want to share, please do, but know there's absolutely no obligation to if you don't want to!


Don't worry about how you have done at GCSEs guys. Take it from me, I got 11 A*s at GCSEs and was rejected from some unis that let people in with 2 A*s. Focus hard on what's next, be it an apprenticeship, A Levels etc. Congrats to all who have done well.


Well done guys, the only A* i got last year was in PE :D

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whats A* never knew it existed.....

When I had mine it was all Cs

Anyway guys listen if you don't pass, there's really nothing to be sad off as long as you know  yourself you tried your best..
