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Computer help..

okay.. so the list...


CPU@Intel® Core™i7-6700k

MOTHERBOARD:  Gigabyte Z170X Gaming 3 

RAM: Hyperx predator quad ddr4 32GB 

GRAPHICS CARD:  8GB Nvidia Geforce GTX 1070 X1

HARD DISK:  500GB Samsung 850 EVO x2


POWER: Corse air 850 RMx 

PROSEESOR COOLONG Corsair h80i GT hydro cooler

 EXTRA FAN: 120mm Apache Black Fan x2 

Is that okay all good? 

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Hey Newt,

I think the list is fine as it is now, just one question and a piece of advice. Why do you have the 500GB Samsung 850 EVO listed as your HDD? (they are solid state drives)
And the advice would be to do your cablemanagement well with rip-ties and zip-ties, and label them! this will really help you when you want to clean your PC or replace a part. You should also disconnect the cables from the power supply that you aren't using since the power supply is fully modular.

 Kind regards,
Anonymous Tiger

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Because the m.2 sm951 is basically the second fastest drive on the planet the sm950 being the fastest :) (thats the non oem version), but due to the cost it is still cheaper to use a slower ssd for storage (although its still pretty brilliant !!).

That build is Looking fine Newt, Keep in mind you may want to swap out the 1070 if you want to go 4k, but tbh personally I don't think you will find there is a need. (but other say there is a massive difference though :) )

its realy required 2x1070 insted of one 1080 like my opinion is too much xD like its monster GJ Any way
Single GPU outperforms SLI always has done, on a per card performance, I'm sure once directx 12 start becoming mainstream then SLI will start making more sense but not in the traditional sense of matching cards, and I can't wait till I can mix and match and get the best of both worlds, for example PhysX & TressFX.

The other thing to take into consideration with going down the SLI route is increased heat and noise of 2 cards. I personally believe a bit more thought and planning is required than just chucking another card in and hope all your games get double the frame rate. If he is to wait for a cheaper card before purchasing the 1080, I would say the rx480 is a serious one to consider, just down the the simple fact its so damn cheap, but still has decent hardware specs, as a interim card.

Could always use the money for the 2 1070s for 1 1080  although as stated above you are already going to be happy with performance; and if you then want to expand to SLI you have the option without the need for many years to come... (months... you have months!!!!) 

Lovely build 

@lionel I have same issue like i not sure if to get 1070 or 1080 because there is massive money difference between both of them 

My point is that lets be honest and those GPU's are monsters and not needed more then one 1070 and well myself i gone save for good right so i prefer the 1080 its Away better but again better then 1070 but wii gone get awesome quality with the 980 th also so now its more choise of what you more like 

So yea those GPU's more better of what you able to get and not realy better wich cuase they awesome ofcourse there is big difference between both of them but and i remark between BOTH becauseboth of them very good

So now its better of choise

Tbh, it really depends on what you currently have. If your current card can tide you over for a few months so you can save enough for the 1080, hell go for it. If your current card is a stinking pile of shit that couldn't render pac man, Then you have less choice, your restricted by cash, but going for the most expensive card you can buy will limit your choice in the future as its "good enough" for the moment, but its not what you wanted, This is a viable option, but not the one I see you genuinely wanting.

I would normally recommend a interim card e.g. a 970 , 980 or rx480 Cheaper is better as you don't care about long term performance and you can always sell this card later, keep as spare, use it for extra monitors without impacting your new card or send to me as a thankyou ;)  

So it really depends if you can live with your current card until you have saved those last few pennies to get what you really want.

Any suggestions on a desk :p need a new one 120cm by 50cm

A flat top, space for your legs and sturdy.

That pretty much covers the basics, Im sure you can buy a "Gaming table" not sure how much extra table you get for it .....

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