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Compensation Request

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Well-known member
I was playing today, and then i got kick out in to the lobby, and it said that i had cheted aore somthing like that, and now i onley have 5,000 on me..

Lost 2,000,000 £ on the server

PS: and now i can't get in and play on the server

ID: 76561198015577800

InGame name: JAy*

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The server is currently being attacked by people who were pissed off with decisions the admins made. It should all be resolved soon, and hopefully things will be restored to how they were.

Approved - Awaiting Action - 05/12/14

Next time stop posting Topics about when we will deal with this.
We are very busy atm and it's a bit rude. Next time you do this I will make you wait another week. :)

Compensation request completed - £2,000,000 returned back to JAy* - Moved to completed.

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