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Compensation Request - veopes

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Active member
In-game Name: Jango Fett
Steam ID: 76561198312034188
Date this happened: 06/28/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: i was in kavala and this hobo rdm's me and then rdm's 2 other people after i start the video, he had no remorse and had absolutely no idea what roleplay even was (sorry for the poor quality video)
Link to any evidence:
Lost items and total value of compensation.: 3 rooks + ammo: 80k (was revived so got to keep armor)
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

Uhm Sir. I think you need to post the name of the guy that killed you, i could not see the name on the video due to low quality. :/ The admins would want to have a chat with this fella.

Please note aswell the same people Vdmd me and my friend about 9 times in a row spammed mic squeeling like little girls. I have a video with all 3 of them doing it and saying we cant them banned from the shitty server as they put it

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