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Compensation Request - TiptonSamurai

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Well-known member
Some where in the UK
In-game Name: Samurai
Steam ID: 76561198079688636
Date this happened: 12/06/2015
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: 3 of us went to go and get geared up but one of our friends with us was very poor, so I decided to give him £3,000,000 to help him out. Now I wasn't aware that giving someone more than £1,000,000 will remove the cash instantly.

I spoke to a Mentor and he had explained everything to me about it. I then asked if it is applicable for a compensation request, in which he replied I should be able to get it seen as though I was unaware of it and would most likely get a warning, that if I do it again in the future it would most likely get denied.
Link to any evidence:
Lost items and total value of compensation.: £3,000,000
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

Time of the event, just in case someone wants to check the logs:   21:50

@TiptonSamurai (Jamie) welcome back.

Have you got dagre's Steam ID? if not get him to post it here please.

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