Character Name: Tyrone Smith
Character ID: 113693
Steam ID: 76561198338023199
Game: GTA RP
Date: Dec 20, 1999
Please Provide Full Details: I placed a 100k bet on blackjack, when given the option to hit or stand I chose to stand by hitting backspace but instead of choosing this option in the game my character stood up from the table and exited the game. My chips and cards then disappeared from the table completely. I continued to play after this sitting back at the table and using smaller increments to see if it would happen again and for a few hands perhaps 2-3 everything was fine and I could stand with backspace without leaving the table. Unfortunately on my roughly fourth or fifth hand, the same error happened again this time with 20k.
Link(s) To Any Evidence:
Lost Items & Total Value Of Compensation £120,000
: Yes