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Compensation Request - Spencer Smythe (Completed)

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Spencer Smythe

Active member
In-game Name: [P] Dogg
Steam ID: 76561198093510773
Date this happened: 03/04/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: So I was robbing someone at diamond factory and as I was robbing him, A guy names "TyveR" RDM'ed me on the spot for no reason. There was absolutely no initiation involved at all. I had asked him to Teamspeak though he did not answer. I tried to explain that it was RDM through a note but he ignored me as well. Also I have reported the player
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: An MX (Black), a 6.5mm suppressor, a shemagh (all together around 250k because half price)
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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@Spencer Smythe

I can't find the report a player - can you share the topic please? I found one report a player, but that seemed to be solved.


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Compensation request accepted for   £ 237,500

To get this actioned please come to teamspeak with this post.

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